Showing posts with label Kevin Maguire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kevin Maguire. Show all posts

Monday, August 17, 2020

Review: Superman #24

Superman #24 came out last week, the second part in a brief 2  part story where Superman seeks mystical aid from Dr. Fate. Last issue we saw that Superman was reeling from all the personal upheaval in his life. It had left him feeling somewhat off kilter. Wondering if it was some magical attack, he asked for a check-up by Fate. 

Then a fight broke out. 

And then, this issue, the fight was over. Just like that, this 2 issue story is done.

One thing that I have discovered from my time reviewing comics on this site is that I am seldom satisfied and I often am contrary to myself.  I have oft bemoaned the fact that comics are 'written for the trade', stories stretched out over too many issues to pad an idea.

So here is a slick 2 parter and I think it was over too quickly. Writer Brian Michael Bendis sets up Xanadoth as an omega level magical baddie, someone so powerful the Lords of Order AND Chaos teamed up to defeat. And in the span of two pages, somehow, he is dispatched. Maybe just a bit too quickly for my taste.

That doesn't mean that the subplot in this 2 parter isn't fantastic. In fact, the idea that Superman is reeling a bit from the chaos in his life makes perfect sense. I think of him as just a guy trying to do his job and do it well. Certainly this year has been the most chaotic in my own life and I have felt a bit frazzled. So seeing my hero having to deal with 'stuff' humanizes him, makes me empathize.

And, no surprise, the art by John Timms and Kevin Maguire is great. In particular, seeing John Timms take on Supergirl makes me want to see more. But the mystical battle scenes by Maguire are top notch.

On to the book.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Review: Superman #23

Superman #23 came out last week and was another winner by writer Brian Michael Bendis. Once again we see just how hard it is to be Superman. And as a result, we are that much more impressed with the Man of Steel.

Perhaps most interesting for me is how this issue shows you just how crazy life is within the DC universe. We get a pretty specific timeline here letting us know just how compressed the insanity in Superman's life is.

But on top of that we get a follow-up to an off hand one panel line in Superman:Heroes. In that comic Dr. Fate says he needs to meet Superman in the Tower of Fate. And this issue picks up from that. It is hard to read the emotions of Dr. Fate at times given the blank helmet. Then I read it as an almost threat or order. Here we learn it is simply to help.

We also get a new villain, Xanadoth, a sort of Lords of Chaos version of the more Order-ly Dr. Fate. Fate having an opposite number makes sense. And I can't help but hear the word 'Thanatopsis' when I hear Xanadoth, making me feel all the more death-tinged dread.

As for the art, it is a joyous mix of John Timms' stylized action and Kevin Maguire's expressive mastery. Usually two artists on the same book can pull me out. But given Timms' work on flashback sequences and Maguire's present day material, it works beautifully.

Feels like the Superman books are firing on all cylinders these days. On to the book.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Review:Superman #22

Superman #22 came out this week, the finale of The Truth arc in which Superman reveals he is Clark Kent to the world and accepts the role of Earth Representative to the United Planets.

Just like Mongul to come crash the party with Warworld.

This is one of those comic issues that really made me smile, yet another reminder of why I still read comics after all these years. As usual it is one of those perfect storms of art and words that make this medium so compelling to me.

We'll start with the writing. The book basically is split between a massive brawl in space between Superman and Mongul. Here, Superman's internal dialogue spells out his thoughts on Mongul and his people. He also recalls a Supergirl moment from (maybe) another continuity and respects Kara for her ingenuity. Perfect. While she isn't here, it is a Supergirl moment to shine.

The other half is a more pitched grounded battle of wills between Lois Lane and Cameron Chase as Lois deals with the fallout of Clark's reveal. It is both tense and relaxed in tone, a wonderful representation of the power and cool of these women.

And then there is the art by Kevin Maguire. It is brilliant. For one, the page layouts for the space battles are varied between long vertical panels, cramped horizontal wide screen panels, and splash pages. Each page of that fight is palpable and dynamic and the cramped or open layouts help add to the feel. Meanwhile, the Lois pages play out with more normal panel sizes, perhaps a cue to make us differentiate the two struggles. It is just fantastic.

And I would be remiss if I didn't also comment on the smashing cover by Ivan Reis, a sort of reverse homage to the loving protector of Earth cover of All Star Superman #10.

On to the book.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

DC August 2020 Solicitations

The DC August solicits have been posted and for the most part they are simply the pre-COVID solicits resolicited with a nice addition. Here is a link"

One thing you won't see? Supergirl #41. As stated before, Supergirl #41 will only be available digitally. I am still a bit peeved about the whole thing. That said, we needed a new Supergirl book. A new direction. A creative team that actually likes the character. But when you end a character's title this way, it just makes the whole IP feel toxic. Will we get another Supergirl book any time soon?

written by LANDRY Q. WALKER
art and cover by ERIC JONES

Supergirl’s cosmic adventure is back in print in this new all-ages book! Supergirl meets Belinda Zee, a new junior high adversary, in this all-ages title collecting the six-issue miniseries. And that’s just the start of the fun that includes super-powered pets and cosmic adventure!

Now this is a pleasant surprise.

One of the best Supergirl properties to come out in the last 2 decades, Cosmic Adventures is a treat. And it is the perfect Kara palate cleanser for the more recent mainstream DCU fare. Go out and buy it. And buy it for any young fan of the series. A young Lena plays a huge role.

And by all means, go back and read my reviews when the issues came out!


art and cover by JOHN ROMITA JR. and KLAUS JANSON
variant cover by LUCIO PARRILLO
Wonder Woman 1984 variant cover by FRANK CHO

The city of Metropolis has been rocked by Luthor’s latest attack and the drama surrounding Superman’s truth, and that gives the invisible mafia a new foothold to change the City of Tomorrow forever. Meanwhile, the Daily Planet is under siege! The fallout from Superman: Villains continues as Clark Kent steps out into the world as a reporter for the first time.

I am still not a fan of John Romita Jr.

But I have been pleasantly surprised by how this Truth storyline has unfolded.

And you know I love the more city-based Action Comics plots. So looking forward to this.


cover by IVAN REIS and JOE PRADO
variant cover by BRYAN HITCH
Wonder Woman 1984 variant cover by GABRIELE DELL’OTTO

Superman’s legendary susceptibility to magic is about to turn his life inside out and upside down. A mysterious new villain has come into Superman’s world to pit him against the most powerful sorcerer and agent for the Lords of Order: Doctor Fate!

There is a little bit of weird karma that Dr. Fate is going to get a big storyline in Superman so recently after Marty Pasko, the main Fate writer in the 80s, has passed.

I do want to see Maguire's take on Fate. Should be cool.


card stock variant cover by JAE LEE 
Wonder Woman 1984 variant cover by JENNY FRISON

It’s Superman versus Batman as the deadly machinations of the Ultra-Humanite crash to their end! The Dark Knight has been transformed into a human atomic bomb, all in the name of wiping Superman from the face of the Earth! As Batman struggles against the urge to kill his friend, Superman must undo the damage done and help the other victims of the Ultra-Humanite’s experiments. It’s the thrilling conclusion to “Atomic” that will reverberate across the DC Universe for months to come!

As I said before, I love the Ultra Humanite.

And I am interested to see how the relationship between Batman and Superman is pushed forward in this book. Will Williamson continue the dual text boxes to see how they are thinking and how they feel about each other?


cover by RYAN SOOK
variant cover by DUSTIN NGUYEN

Beginning a special two-part comics storytelling event! Over the course of two spectacular issues, 44 artists will dive into the 31st century—with each page starring a different Legionnaire! It starts when the team is arrested by a galactic authority that does not approve of the Legion—and it leads into an intergalactic showdown that will affect every member of the team!

Looks like a new issue for me to bring to conventions and try to collect signatures! That is a murderers' row of names. I can't wait to see this book. I mean, they had me at Fabio Moon. But there are many favorites listed here.

I do love that each page gives us a different team member. We haven't really met the whole team yet so this will be a good primer.


cover by JOHN TIMMS
variant cover by MIRKA ANDOLFO

This very special issue focuses directly on the friendship at the heart of Young Justice: Conner, Tim, and Bart—a.k.a. Superboy, Drake, and Impulse. As younger men, these three iconic heroes built Young Justice on their friendship. Now their dream has grown and changed as much as they have. And with the demands of adulthood pulling them in different directions, they realize that nights like this one may never happen again.

With Supergirl off the board, maybe I should add Young Justice to the review list. I mean, technically, there is a Super-family member here.

I like these characters and I like what Bendis is doing here.

Hey at least we have comics!

Still, I am irked. No print Supergirl. It again proves they just don't care.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Mystery Solved: Nightwing And Flamebird Promo Page

Today I finally wrap up my look at the Candor arc in the early days of Supergirl's solo title from 2005.

Back in my first post about the arc, I posted a splash page from within the trade collection of Supergirl and Power Girl in their Flamebird and Nightwing armor.

I wasn't sure where it came from.

The answer was provided by commenter Rober Todd Bruce who pointed me to Superman/Batman #27. As a big Huntress fan and a Power Girl fan I actually had the issue in my collection, signed no less by cover artist Ethan Van Sciver (a long time ago ... before things were known) and inside artist Kevin Maguire!

I had completely forgotten that the page came in here.

Read on!

Thursday, February 20, 2020

May 2020 Solicits

Last week DC released their May 2020 solicits. A look at all the books can be found here at Newsarama:

The big news is the cancellation of Supergirl, a topic I covered here. I keep hearing these rumblings of another universal reboot. I am hearing some behind the scene whispers that Supergirl is going to be left untouched for a bit. I already ranted. Just know it makes absolutely no sense to keep a marketable character like Supergirl on the shelf. Ridiculous.

written by JODY HOUSER
card stock variant cover by DERRICK CHEW

Deemed a threat by the U.S. military, Supergirl is now a wanted villain! General Corvid has come for our hero—and she won’t give up until Kara’s gone for good. Meanwhile, the superstorm rages stronger than ever, while hundreds remain helpless against it. Can Supergirl prove that she’s the hero the people once believed her to be? Or will she let everyone down—including herself? Find out in the pulse-pounding series conclusion! FINAL ISSUE

We go out with a sob. Instead of the book ending with Supergirl as a hero, redeemed the solicit makes it sound like she's a fugitive. That is a far cry from the National City citizens cheering for their hero when she returned from space.

Who can I blame for this complete misunderstanding of a character and the character's fanbase?
I have no choice but to blame Dan Didio who has been in charge for all of these dark takes.

On to the rest of the Super books.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Review: Superman Heroes #1

Superman Heroes came out last week, a sort of anthology book by the current gaggle of Superman writers and artists. Think of it as this season's Leviathan Rising. It is a sort of pulse check on what is happening in the super-books while giving us some back story and future hints about the latest major story arc, the reveal that Superman is Clark Kent.

I found most of the book to be quite enjoyable with solid plot and art throughout. In particular, the sort of reaction pieces, those stories to check in on how the news has hit them. Jimmy's story is wonderful and Superman thanking an old professor is another good tale.There is also a very nice 'wisdom of Pa Kent' story. You know I am a sucker for those.

The art is a nice mix. Scott Godlewski lends a folksy feel to the Pa story. Steve Lieber and Mike Perkins draw the Jimmy and Lois stories respectively, keeping up with their current assignments. And Kevin Maguire and Mike Norton add nice panache.

For the price point, I was very happy with this.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Supergirl Best Of 2019: Top Ten Comic Moments

I have now been doing these 'Best of Supergirl' end of year lists for 11 years now and some years are definitely better than others. But I have never felt that a year encapsulates the difficulty DC seems to have with Supergirl better in that time span than this year does.

2019 wasn't a great year for Supergirl. In her own title, she leaves Earth on a wild goose chase, embracing an rage-inducing axe and coming within a whisker of killing people all while wallowing in anger and sadness. She subsequently succumbs to an evil virus becoming a Goth Supergirl embracing anarchy and anger, DC doubling down on the 'Mistress of the Axe' plotline. Since I started this blog alone we have seen the 'dark, angsty, angry, very sad Kara' trope several times. It never seems to work. Like ... NEVER.

And yet, 2019 was also a very good year for Supergirl. She sheds the dark, angsty, angry persona (again) and embraces Earth as home (again). She clearly is a valued and loved member of the Super-family and her relationship with her cousin Kal hasn't seemed this strong in a long time, maybe since Gates/Igle. And she had a number of one-shots and specials that built up her character arc and history in a powerful way.

Still, as I put together this list, some of the moments seemed to be repeats from prior years.

Enough talk, on to the top ten Supergirl comic moments of 2019!

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Supergirl Best Of 2019: Comic Honorable Mentions

Happy New Year's Eve and welcome to part 2 of my annual Supergirl review. Yesterday I looked at all the non-comic events with Supergirl in 2019. Today I turn my eye towards comics. I'll take a look at comics in general and showcase some Honorable Mentions for the best Supergirl comic moments of 2019. Tomorrow I'll announce my top ten Supergirl moments for the year.

As always, settle in. These end of year posts tend to be long! I have 12 months to cover!

 First off, from a blog point of view, there were two secondary threads which were highlighted this last year on the site.

First off, I ran through the early history of the second incarnation of the Supergirl character in a segment I called Matrix Monday.

I'll say that it was pretty fun to look back at the growth of that Supergirl character over time, from her initial concept to her time as a Luthor lover to ultimately embracing her role as hero. I hope folks like that run.

Less Supergirl-centric but just as fun for me was my coverage of Event Leviathan and my various Leviathan Theories. Turns out I was wrong this time. But breaking down the comic for a variety of clues both overt and subtle was really fun for me and kind of re-energized me.

In fact I was so enmeshed that writer Brian Michael Bendis caught notice. And now I will be an agent of Leviathan in this February's Leviathan Dawn special. So look out for my comic debut!

But enough about the blog! Onto the Honorable Mentions for the best Supergirl Comic moments of 2019.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Review: Superman #17

Superman #17 came out last week, a sort of epilogue to the Unity Saga and a prologue to the upcoming Truth arc. Writer Brian Michael Bendis is joined by artist Kevin Maguire to bring this sort of transition issue.

This ends up being a character issue as we see Superman's response to all the recent events in his life by reaching out to his support system. It humanizes Superman a bit as we see just how much he has been affected by recent events in his life.

Not to say there isn't some plot progression. This is the year of the villain after all. And someone I have been suspicious of I am even more suspicious of.

But I might be burying the lede. The highlight of this issue is Maguire's art. We all know that Maguire is a master of expressive art. But this issue stands out even among his own work. The emotional weight of the scenes are played out on the characters' faces. Erase the words and you still get the perfect sense of what the characters are feeling. Just brilliant stuff.

Now I don't know if I am on board with The Truth arc, yet another look at Superman revealing his secret identity to the world. But I liked this prologue.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Review: Supergirl #33

Supegirl #33 came out this week and I must admit I was something of a roller coaster of emotions. There are downs and ups and then a little bit of a down again.  The art by Kevin Maguire is great. Overall there are lots of wonderful moments in this book. There are bits in this book that made me say 'now that sounds like Supergirl', something that  has been very rare in this Marc Andreyko written run.

But after a year of Supergirl tooling around in space, this book ends pretty much back where it was at the end of the Orlando/Houser run. Which makes me quote Bugs Bunny. 'Was this trip really necessary?'

It is probably easier to just review the bits of the book that struck me and then give my end thoughts. There is a section in the middle which basically is a repeat of the Legion portion of Superman #14 so I wont be reviewing those pages here. Just know that Kevin Maguire's 2 page spread of the new Legion is just as prestigious as Ivan Reis' pages.

So let's jump right in.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Review: Supergirl #32

Supergirl #32 came out last week, another chapter in the House of El storyline, trying to tie up the Rogol Zaar storyline started in Man of Steel before the Event Leviathan mega-arc takes over the focus of the super-books.

As such, and no big surprise given some of the turns in the Supergirl title, things happen rather quickly here. In some places, too quickly.

I also think there was something of a missed opportunity here. Superboy joined Supergirl on this mission. And yet, he is only in the beginning and the ending of the book, sort of disappearing in the middle without much explanation. It's a shame because their interaction in the few pages they share is well done, the sort of banter cousins would have.

But once again we have an uneven presentation of Supergirl who floats between overpowering rage and unflinching morality depending on the whim of the script. Since this is an even issue, she is measured in her actions. Were this an odd issue, she would be the Queen of the Axe coming within millimeters of decapitating someone. (I kid. But it seems that random.) Marc Andreyko has yet to show me he has an understanding or even a foundation for the character.

The art is done by Kevin Maguire and is his usual top notch stuff. Really love his take on Jon.

On to the book.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Leviathan Theory - Event Leviathan #2 Cover

Well, by now you have all read my Leviathan Theory . Briefly, Leviathan is Ted Kord. His lieutenants are Captain Atom (the Leviathan enforcer) and Nightshade. And I am building this all on the Watchmen-esque visuals and words saturating the Leviathan books. And when I think Watchmen in the DCU, I think Charlton heroes.

For me, the clues are present and loud. But I wonder if I am starting to see meaning in things that aren't really meaningful.

For example, I have been looking at the cover for Event Leviathan #2 and I am convinced that the whole thing is one big clue.

And it all points to Blue Beetle.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Review: Supergirl #31

Supergirl #31 came out last week and continues the Unity Saga story which has been going through the Superman book. I posted my review of Superman #12 yesterday and this issue of Supergirl covers much of the same story, albeit from her perspective.

While the story beats are similar, there are some unfortunate differences. While my review of Superman praised the maturity and respect and love that was evident in Supergirl and the El family, this issue doubles down on Kara's anger and viciousness. It was hard to go from one to the other and think these are the same characters. I just don't quite understand writer Marc Andreyko's take on the character.

Now comes my every couple of year defense that I don't want a sickeningly sweet Silver Age Supergirl, trapped in an orphanage with no agency. I don't mind a fierce Supergirl, learning to be a hero, occasionally failing. I don't mind her being angry when the time is right. But Supergirl should be, foremost, optimistic and bright. She should be about hope, help, and compassion for all. And this sneering Supergirl isn't that.

The art in the book is split. Kevin Maguire does the first 5 pages of the book and then semi-regular artist Eduardo Pansica takes over. Pansica should just be named regular artist and Maguire should start working on the Annual. The two styles don't mesh well. Separately both are fine.

On to the book.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Review: Supergirl #30

Supergirl #30 came out this week and definitely was something of a reviewing conundrum.

Frankly, I have grown tired of this arc. The angry Supergirl, Queen of the Axe, pulping hands as she wallows in rage, is not a Supergirl I want to read. A plot about finding scattered stones that took an Omega Man detour. A panel in comic admitting the plot wasn't progressing. Then a deus ex machina assembling of all the stones to bring the plot to a rapid close. And then, this issue, more rage wallowing. I just need this approach to end.

So this was not a good story to read.

That said, it was an absolutely gorgeous book to read. Kevin Maguire is back on art and just shines on every page. Yes, the story beats are rough. But boy, are they presented in a beautiful way. I found myself lingering on each page, just soaking it all in. I can't think up enough adjectives. Sumptuous? Phenomenal? Spectacular?

And, it seems, this portion of the story has come to a bit of a close. We end this issue with the opening of the next super-arc.

But have we reached the end of this spin on the 'dark Kara doesn't work, let's bring in a new creator who understands her' cycle?

Thursday, April 18, 2019

July 2019 DC Solicits

The July DC solicits came out last week and it looks like the super-titles are ramping up to close the current storylines in time for Event Leviathan to take over the scene. This has me pretty happy as, at the very least, it will close out the 'Queen of the Axe' Supergirl story we have been given. Here is a link to Newsarama's coverage of all the books:

And now onto the super-titles.

written by MARC ANDREYKO
variant cover by KAARE ANDREWS

The conclusion to the SUPERMAN/SUPERGIRL team-up is here! As the House of El is united, Superman, Supergirl, Superboy and Jor-El struggle to defeat the seemingly unstoppable Rogol Zaar, who is now teamed up with General Zod, Jax-Ur and even Gandelo! New alliances are forged and betrayed, and Kara must fight battles on two fronts: alongside her cousins and inside herself, as she faces her own rage and the corrupting influence of Zaar’s axe! If she survives it all, who will be the Supergirl who emerges on the other side? Join us on the epic finale to Supergirl’s space-opera adventure!

Also, if Brainiac is in the Hall of Doom, why is Lex Luthor upgrading an old Brainiac drone body? And why is the drone calling itself the true Brainiac?

Supergirl is back on Earth fighting side by side with her family! Fantastic.
She 'faces her own rage and the corrupting influence of Zaar's axe'! Not so fantastic.

I just think Marc Andreyko has little understanding of the character and her recent history.

At least it didn't say 'final issue'.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

June 2019 Solicits

The June solicits for DC Comics came out last week and are available for perusal in the usual places. Here is a link to Newsarama and their coverage:

It is a wild month filled with hope for the ending of a story, the excitement of the beginning of a story, a story I didn't know about that I will be getting, and a big name story I knew about that I won't be getting. Did you follow all that?

Hopefully this is something of a turning point for the super-books, storming into the summer on a roll.

written by MARC ANDREYKO
variant cover by AMANDA CONNER
The House of El is united in this SUPERMAN/SUPERGIRL crossover! The Superman Family must unite to banish Rogol Zaar once and for all! But little do Supergirl, Superman, Superboy and Jor-El know, Rogol Zaar has brought some friends of his own…from the Phantom Zone! Supergirl not only has to make sure that Rogol Zaar doesn’t unite with his ax at all costs, but also has to deal with how the 10-year-old Superboy is now her age! This is the start of an intergalactic war you don’t want to miss!
ON SALE 06.12.19 

For some time I have been calling for the end of the Supergirl in space storyline. It just hasn't felt like a Supergirl story. The characterization of Kara has seemed off. And I just enjoy her more on Earth, with a supporting cast, learning to be a hero on her adopted world.

So when I saw this solicit, trumpeting a Superman crossover and some resolution to the Rogol Zaar storyline, I smiled. One, I like when the super-family acts like a family. Second, maybe this means Supergirl is back on Earth and will stay on Earth.

Nice Conner cover.

On to the rest of the books.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Sales Review: January 2019

The comic book sales numbers for January 2019 were released last week and as always, ICv2 does a good job of breaking them down. Here is a link:

I was a bit interested in seeing these numbers in the context of recent news regarding DC's number of titles. There were rumors that DC was going to slash their number of titles to 22 but this proved unfounded. Ultimately, the news broke that DC was paring down by about 10-15% of titles but also adding new 100 page spectaculars, making those books available in places other than Walgreens, and probably breaking even in total books solicited.

So that was much ado about nothing in a way. But when I hear that ongoing titles are going to be pruned, I always have to wonder and worry about the Girl of Steel.

We are in the middle of a space arc, one with a vengeful and surprisingly violent Supergirl. And sales have been a bit all over the place. (And yes, I know by sales I actually mean orders through Diamond,)

Supergirl #26 was released in January. It sported an Artgerm variant of Supergirl in a classic costume holding Streaky.

The book also saw the return of Kevin Maguire on art.

How did it sell?

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

May 2019 Solicits

The May solicits for DC comics have been released and there is a whole heck of a lot of news to cover. To see all the books on sale that month head here:

First off, the Supergirl solicit (after the cut) doesn't sound like anything is being pushed forward in any significant way. In fact, there is a line there that just makes me think that the creative team is treading the 'will Supergirl cross the line' story which never seems to work.

May brings us the end of Heroes in Crisis, a book which hasn't caught the world on fire. I wonder if this would have been better received if DC hadn't hyped it as the end all, be all. It also is the beginning of DCEASED, a DC zombie event written by Tom Taylor. I love Taylor but loathe zombies. And that feels so 2005. And, in theory, Doomsday Clock #11 is on the list.

But the big news for super-fans is buried in the Leviathan special solicit below. That news should make people smile broadly!

On to the books.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Review: Supergirl #26

Supergirl #26 came out this week and feels like something of a tipping point for me and my patience with this new direction. You know what that's like, right? When you are reading a comic and you just think 'what am I reading?' Or more importantly 'why am I reading this?' Or even worse 'who chose this direction for this book to go in?'

I keep going back to the last issue of the Steve Orlando/Jody Houser run. A young Supergirl trying to figure out teenage life and super-heroing. A Kara Danvers who is feeling awkward at school and maybe having romantic feelings for the first time. A Supergirl who is stepping out from her cousin's shadow as a young hero. An optimistic young woman learning on the job, embracing Earth as home, and appropriately headstrong.

That all worked.

Now we have an edgy, vengeance-fueled Kara, alone in space, spitting on enemies, toting a Liefeld-ian gun, and being casually threatened with rape. This doesn't even feel like a Supergirl book. She is a part of an Omega Men story. Replace her with Maxima or Donna Troy or Starfire and there is no major change to the plot.

This doesn't work.

Now I know. I don't 'own' Supergirl. I have a version of Supergirl I like and that history seems to think is the default. I don't think I like this story or this Kara right now. I have sort of gone along with this direction for now seeing maybe some glimpses of things which could work. But this issue seemed to tip me towards the 'not working' side of the scale.

And perhaps the biggest shame is that the art on the book is so gorgeous. Kevin Maguire's stuff is beautiful. As always, his expressive work is top notch. The covers by Yanick Paquette and Artgerm are eye-catching. It is just such a mismatch with the material.

On to the book.