There is a ton ... A TON ... of Death Metal stuff.
There is a ton ... A TON ... of Joker.
Not surprising, there is a ton of Batman.
And there are cancellations! Batgirl, Justice League Odyssey, and Red Hood.
My guess is that with so many books going away and with all this Death Metal stuff, we are on the verge of yet another reboot. Rao, help me.
But here are the super-books, including the variant cover for Action Comics #1026 as seen above.
art and cover by JOHN ROMITA JR. and KLAUS JANSON
variant cover by LUCIO PARRILLO
Wonder Woman 1984 variant cover by FRANK CHO
This issue, it's the Superman family versus everybody! In this blistering conclusion to the epic "House of Kent" saga, huge choices are made to defend the great city of Metropolis. Plus, amid all the chaos, the new owner of the Daily Planet is revealed—and it's...Jimmy Olsen?! Guest-starring Jonathan Kent, Conner Kent, Supergirl, and the Legion of Super-Heroes.
I can't help but be happy that Supergirl is part of this arc. And I trust Bendis to treat her the way she deserves to be treated.
Kara as drawn by JRJR? I am ready to shudder.