Moving Picture World, 27-April-1918 |
Happy 125th birthday to Harold Lloyd, who was born on 20-April-1893.
This Pathé ad features both Toto, whom Hal Roach was trying to promote as the next big Rolin comedy star, and Harold Lloyd. He is reading a book entitled
How to Box.
Moving Picture World, 06-April-1918 |
Harold Lloyd's "Follow the Crowd" is listed with other releases, including a Pearl White serial,
The House of Hate. Harold's movie "is a smashing, laugh-producing series of startling incidents..."
Moving Picture World, 06-April-1918 |
"On the Jump" featured Harold as a bellhop and Snub Pollard as the house detective at the Squirrel Inn. Bebe Daniels was the leading lady. "There are a number of amusing knockabout situations which will bring laughter."
Moving Picture World, 13-April-1918 |
A review of comic actors says "Harold Lloyd is a young performer with a real comic bent. He is a personable young fellow of the Max Linder, dress-suit type."
Moving Picture World, 13-April-1918 |
Last month we saw Harold visit New York. This month he has returned "After signing a new contract for his appearance in Pathé-Rolin comedies." Perhaps Harold's contract status is the reason Hal Roach was looking for a new star.
Moving Picture World, 13-April-1918 |
"Follow the Crowd" is "a typical number, with some good small business in it."
Moving Picture World, 20-April-1918 |
Pathé to Push Lloyd Comedies."