Showing posts with label Joseph Santley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joseph Santley. Show all posts

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Saluting Our Heroes With a Big Picture -- December 7, 2023

Memphis Commercial-Appeal, 25-June-1942

82 years ago a sneak attack by forces of the Japanese Empire sank much of the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor in the territory of Hawaii. The Japanese Empire came to regret doing this.

The first fiction film about the attack was Republic's Remember Pearl Harbor, which starred Don "Red" Barry, who had become famous playing the lead in the serial The Adventures of Red Ryder.  Joseph Santley directed.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Johnny's New Car -- March 21, 2020

New York Sun and Herald, 21-March-1920
100 years ago today, future movie comedian Harry Langdon (and Company) was performing at the Palace, the pinnacle of vaudeville in the United States.  The headliners were musical comedy stars (and husband and wife) Joseph Santley and Ivy Sawyer.  The House of David started out as a religious commune, which grew to sponsor a touring baseball team, an amusement park and this band.  They are called "The Whiskered Wonders of the West" because the men were required to grow beards and wear their hair long.  Lily Lena was a comedian from Britain.  Joe Morris and Flo Campbell had a comic skit called "The Avi-Ate-Her."