Motion Picture News, 11-August-1923 |
Why Worry?, despite some racist elements, is one of Harold Lloyd's funniest films. It was his first film with new leading lady. Jobyna Ralston. Harold and Jobyna are supported by a giant, John Aasen.
Motion Picture News, 04-August-1923 |
"Why Worry? is Lloyd's first serious attempt at straight farce." "Serious"/"Farce"? Interesting combination.
Motion Picture News, 04-August-1923 |
Industry big shots saw Why Worry? in a private screening and commended it.
Motion Picture News, 04-August-1923 |
I have been searching through Sunday Chicago Tribunes from the summer of 1923 and I haven't found this "full page Sunday comic."
Motion Picture News, 25-August-1923 |
This article and the next one mention Lloyd's practice of previewing his films.
Motion Picture News, 11-August-1923 |
Motion Picture News, 25-August-1923 |
Harold's movie, Girl Shy, would be his first production after his breakup with Hal Roach.
Motion Picture News, 25-August-1923 |
Harold awarded his new leading lady, Jobyna Ralston, with a three-year contract.
Motion Picture News, 11-August-1923 |
Contrary to popular rumors, Harold did not plan to shift the distribution of his independent features from Pathé to United Artists.
Motion Picture News, 04-August-1923 |
Safety Last continued to do well in wide distribution. Exhibitors tried various gimmicks to promote the movie. An exhibitor in Charlotte used a streetcar decorated with banners and posters. An aviator made a stunt flight to promote the film.
Motion Picture News, 04-August-1923 |
Meanwhile Hal Roach and Pathé were redistributing Harold's one-reelers. I wonder if these include Lonesome Lukes and glass pictures, or just the latter. I like the image of Harold in an auto.
Motion Picture News, 04-August-1923 |