Moving Picture Weekly, 27-May-1922 |
William Desmond prepares to clout a hungry wolf.
Perils of the Yukon is touted as "The First Alaskan Chapter-Play Ever Made." Perhaps chapter-play sounded classier than serial.
Film Daily, 06-May-1922 |
Universal jumped on the latest American fad and produced a serial called The Radio King. If I read the Morse Code correctly, it says "BEWARE. I AM THE VOICE IN THE AIR." in both ads. I added the punctuation.
Film Daily, 09-May-1922 |
Moving Picture Weekly, 13-May-1922 |
Universal established its own radio station. This item also says that William Desmond was injured while making Perils of the Yukon.
Moving Picture Weekly, 27-May-1922 |
This ad lists all of Universal's chapter-plays that were presently in release, including two with Eddie Polo.
Film Daily, 13-May-1922 |
Colonel William Selig was using the residents of the Selig Zoo in The Jungle Goddess.
Moving Picture World, 06-May-1922 |
Eddie Polo, who had gone independent was releasing Cap'n Kidd on a States Rights basis.
Moving Picture World, 06-May-1922 |