Showing posts with label Panama Canal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Panama Canal. Show all posts

Friday, April 3, 2015

News of the Week April 3, 1915 -- April 3, 2015

The 03-April -1915 Motography featured "News of the Week as Shown in Films," with items from current newsreels.

"Twenty-ninth U. S. Infantry leaves New York for Panama Canal zone.  Copyright 1915 by Pathe News."  The 29th Infantry Regiment stayed in the Canal Zone until September, 1918. 

"Rescuing all that was left of Lincoln Beachey and his ill-fated machine.   Copyright 1915 Hearst-Selig News Pictorial."  Lincoln Beachey was the featured aerial performer at San Francisco's Panama Pacific International Exposition, where he died on 14-March-1915 when his new monoplane crashed into the bay, where he drowned, trapped in the wreckage:

"The Kaiser on the battlefield in North Poland.  Copyright 1915 by Universal Animated Weekly."  Kaiser Wilhelm II was visiting his troops who had driven the Russians back after they invaded East Prussia. 

"Rome, Italy visited by a great flood that swept through the city.  Copyright 1915 by Pathe News."  Rome's Tiber River flooded frequently.  The flood of 1915 lasted a long time.

"Launching the U. S. S. Pennsylvania at Newport News.  Copyright 1915 Hearst-Selig News Pictorial."  Dreadnaught USS Pennsylvania (BB-38) was launched on 16-March-1915.  During the Pearl Harbor attack, she was in drydock, but her anti-aircraft guns fought back.  15 of her crew were killed, but she was able to sail to San Francisco for repairs.

"A mile-a-minute on skiis at Montreal, Canada.  Copyright 1915 by Universal Animated Weekly."  I assume this is a ski jump competition. 

Friday, February 20, 2015

News of the Week February 20, 1915 -- February 20, 2015

The 20-February-1915 Motography featured "News of the Week as Shown in Films," with items from current newsreels.

"Ruins of the Town Hall at Union Hill, N. J.  Copyright 1915, by Pathe News."  A fire early in the morning of 31-January-1915 damaged the business district and destroyed the town hall.

"Cottages after the sand storm at Salisbury Beach, Mass.  Copyright 1915, by Pathe News."  I haven't found anything about this event. 

"Testing the barge in which President Wilson will lead the fleet through Panama Canal.  Copyright 1915 by Hearst-Selig News Pictorial."  The United States planned to have a grand international naval pageant through the canal in March, in conjunction with the Panama-Pacific International Exposition in San Francisco. 

"Italian earthquake victims being rushed to Rome.  Copyright 1915 by Universal Animated Weekly."  A massive earthquake hit Italy between Rome and Naples in January, 1915.  Some people saw it as a divine warning to stay out of the war. 

"Scene in the Krupp Gun Works at Essen, Germanay.  Copyright 1915 by Universal Animated Weekly."  Friedrich Krupp AG made a nice profit from the war. 

"View of Yarmouth, England, after its bombardment by Zeppelins.  Copyright 1915 by Hearst-Selig News Pictorial."  This may be from 19-January-1915, the first Zeppelin attack on British soil: