Showing posts with label Harry Langdon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harry Langdon. Show all posts

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Harry Langdon -- Here He Is! Our Own Council Bluffs Boy!! -- February 23, 2025

Council Bluffs Daily Nonpariel, 01-February-1925

Comedian Harry Langdon was born in Council Bluffs, Idaho. That city's Daily NonPareil made sure to mention it. Douglas MacLean was a popular light comedian. This ad calls him "Harold Lloyd's Only Rival!" 

Council Bluffs Daily Nonpariel, 01-February-1925

A detail from the above ad shows an newspaper advertising cut for "The Sea Squawk."

Marion Leader-Tribune, 01-February-1925

Ramon Novarro. who was born in Mexico, became a popular actor in Hollywood silent films.

Marion Leader-Tribune, 01-February-1925

Another advertising cut: "An Unlimited Train of Laughter!"

Boise Idaho Statesman, 01-February-1925

This item says that "Harry Langdon will soon abandon making two-reel comedies, and will follow in Harold Lloyd's footsteps by trying feature-length films for Pathe."

Friday, January 17, 2025

Harry Langdon -- The Acid Test -- Clocking the Laughs -- January 17, 2025

Moving Picture World, 10-January-1925

"Show these two rib-rockers in your house."

Moving Picture World, 10-January-1925

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Langdon, as Usual, Does Highly Amusing Work -- December 14, 2024

Moving Picture World, 27-December-1924

Harry Langdon played a street sweeper in "Feet of Mud." The film includes some racist stereotypes in Chinatown.

Moving Picture World, 06-December-1924

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Harry Langdon -- The First Hundred Years -- November 12, 2024

Wichita Eagle, 06-November-1924

Harry Langdon's career at the Mack Sennett Studio was a great success, but short comedies did not get much room in ads unless they starred Charlie Chaplin. We see here that Alla Nazimova's Madonna of the Streets was considered the important part of the bill.

Wichita Eagle, 06-November-1924

Here is a larger view of the bit about Harry Langdon in "The First Hundred Years."

Spokane Chronicle, 04-November-1924

Sometimes the ads included a small image of Harry. This election night show promised that results would be "Projected Upon Victor Dessert's Building" across the street. Patrons inside the theater received announcements. 

Spokane Chronicle, 04-November-1924

Friday, August 16, 2024

Hitchcock -- Club: Royal Auto -- August 16, 2024

August 2024: 
Alfred Hitchcock was born 125 years ago, on 13-August-1899. In celebration, I am rerunning my entries from a blogathon that I participated in way the heck back in 2012, two years before this blog launched.
This post is part of For the Love of Hitchcock, The Film Preservation Blogathon, hosted again this year by Ferdy on Films ( -- Sunday, Monday) and The Self-Styled Siren ( -- Tuesday, Wednesday), along with Rod of This Island Rod ( Thursday, Friday). 

I hope to contribute these articles this week:
Monday -- Dial HOllywood 9-2411 for Hitchcock
Tuesday -- Hitchcock -- Berdarold, Piccy, London
Wednesday -- Alfred Hitchcock, SRO, RKO, UA, Univ
Thursday -- Hitchcock -- Club: Royal Auto
Friday -- Hitchcock -- He Has Had a Non-Stop Career

Click on images to see larger versions.  The image at the top of the page is a full-page ad from The 1963 Film Daily Year Book of Motion Pictures.

Click on images to see larger versions.  The image at the top of the page is a full-page ad from The 1963 Film Daily Year Book of Motion Pictures.

Alfred Hitchcock was a rare creative artist in the movie business, but he had to function within the studio system for most of his career.  I wanted to document the way he fit in.   For this installment of the blogathon, I went through several yearbooks from the 1920s and 1930s and dug up some interesting references to Hitchcock. 

Many industries publish annual books which describe the people who work in them and what they have accomplished.  In the film industry, this was a useful way to determine whether someone who said he had worked for DW Griffth or CB DeMille really had.   Some of these yearbooks and many other valuable resources are available in the Media History Digital Library (

The Film Daily, "The Daily Newspaper of Motion Pictures,"  a major source of news for the film industry, also published a yearbook starting around 1918. 

The 1927 edition of the Film Daily Yearbook lists Hitchcock's first two directorial credits, The Pleasure Garden and the Mountain Eagle

The 1927 edition also lists Hitchcock's writing credit on the Graham Cutts movie Woman to Woman.

I felt compelled to include this wonderful full-page ad for Buster Keaton.

The 1929 Motion Picture Almanac was published by The Exhibitors Herald-World.

Hitchcock's Easy Virtue is listed right after C B De Mille's Dynamite.  

Hitchcock's The Ring is listed with a couple of movies I have never heard of. 

Motion Picture News
was a trade paper that merged with The Exhibitors Herald-World to form The Motion Picture Herald in 1930.  As described above in the 1929 edition, the Motion Picture News Blue Book was a collection of biographical information about people in the industry.  This edition also included some interesting ads.

Hitchcock's entry leaves out his earliest movies.

John Ford, the smiling Irishman.

Harold Lloyd looks as if he is singing in this ad for his second talkie, Feet First.

Jean Hersholt's ad has the most interesting portrait.  I cannot make out the artist's signature.  "Appointed by His Majesty King of Denmark to head Danish constellation of athletes competing in Olympic Games to be held in Los Angeles in 1932."

The ad for Mickey Mouse Sound Cartoons mentions that Disney was still using the Powers Cinephone system.  Someone should write a book about Pat Powers. 

Lloyd Hamilton was appearing in sound comedies for Educational.

Howard Hughes was promoting Hell's Angels.

Harry Langdon was working for Hal Roach.

The Film Daily Product Guide and Directors' Annual was a mid-year supplement to the Film Daily Yearbook.   

Hitchcock's biographical entry has his year of birth wrong.  It should be 1899.

The only Hitchcock production listed is The Woman Alone.  This was based on Joseph Conrad's The Secret Agent and released in Britain as Sabotage.  The Woman Alone was the title for it's initial release in the US.  It was reissued in the US as I Married a Murderer.  Hitchcock complicated matters further by releasing a movie called The Secret Agent, which was based on a story by W Somerset Maugham.

As a railfan, I had to include this ad for the Fitzpatrick Traveltalks, which turn up frequently on TCM.  It features a Southern Pacific GS (Golden State) 4-8-4, in Coast Daylight colors, which is posting next to Central Pacific locomotive 1, the C P Huntington, a unique 1863 4-2-0T which is preserved at the California State Railroad Museum (

Oswald the Lucky Rabbit was stolen from Walt Disney.  The Disney corporation recently got him back.

Sphinx Films Corporation produced Yiddish-language movies, including the famous "Yiddle With His Fiddle," starring Molly Picon.

The 1937-1938 edition of the International Motion Picture Almanac was edited by Terry Ramsaye, who had published A Million And One Nights: A History of the Motion Picture Through 1925, a pioneering book about cinema.

Cameraman John Cox had worked on five Hitchcock movies, including The Ring and Blackmail.

Edgar Clarence was "(i)n charge of architectural decor" for Blackmail.

Graham Cutts is listed as an "independent director."  The entry mentions The White Shadow

Hitchcock's entry has the wrong birth year.  Waltzes from Vienna and Strauss' Great Waltz are UK and US release titles for the same movie. 

F P Tennyson was assistant director on several Hitchcock movies at Gaumont-British.

A list og Gaumont-British releases includes The Woman Alone and "Alfred Hitchcock Production (Untitled)."  The latter could have been The Girl Was Young/Young and Innocent or The Lady VanishesKing Solomon's Mines with Paul Robeson and Dr Syn with George Arliss are the only other ones I have heard of.

Hitchcock had a small ad in this edition.  I like the design.

I guess Hidden Power was yet another potential title for Sabotage/The Woman Alone/I Married a Murderer

A list of literary properties give the film's release title in the UK, Sabotage

Another item on the list is that "Untitled Original."

Several big studios had multi-page ads that ran on every odd-numbered page over a large span.  I was happy to see entertainer Bill Robinson featured in 20 Century-Fox's ad.

Laurel and Hardy fans will recognize Boris Morros as producer of The Flying Deuces

Actor Paul Muni shared a page of the Warner Brothers ad with Porky Pig.

The Disney ad features the boss along with Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.

I like the picture of western star Buck Jones.

Edward Everett Horton's ad is elegant.

An ad for Alliance Films mentions two directed by Graham Cutts, Aren't Men Beasts?  and Radio Review of  1937

Thank you to Ferdy on Films (, The Self-Styled Siren ( and This Island Rod ( for organizing this blogathon. I'm having fun and learning. 

Please consider donating to the National Film Preservation Foundation. For the Love of Film III is raising money to place The White Shadow, a 1923 Graham Cutts movie on which Alfred Hitchcock served as assistant director, on the internet for free viewing.