Showing posts with label Sidney Goldin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sidney Goldin. Show all posts

Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Boris Thomashefsky Film Company -- January 15, 2015

Moving Picture World, 30-January-1915

San Francisco Symphony Music Director Michael Tilson Thomas turned 70 years old on 21-December-2014.  Today the Symphony is having a party to mark the occasion. 

I thought I would mark the occasion by posting this ad for the Boris Thomashefsky Film Company.  Thomashefsky, a great playwright, actor and producer in the Yiddish theater, was Michael Tilson Thomas' grandfather. 

The three movies listed here, "Featuring MR. THOMASHEFSKY -- HIMSELF," may have been all that the company produced.  Thomashefsky went bankrupt in 1915. 

"The Jewish Crown" was based on his 1912 play Di Yidishe kroyn.  "Hear Ye Israel" was based on his 1907 play Shma yisroel.  I can't find a source for "The Period of Jew," which is listed elsewhere (see below) as "The Period of the Jew."

Sidney Goldin directed many movies for IMP and its successor, Universal.  During the 1920s, he became an independent producer.  He made other Yiddish movies in the United States and Austria. 

Be sure to click on the images to see larger versions. 

Moving Picture World, 06-February-1915