Showing posts with label Robert Wiene. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robert Wiene. Show all posts

Monday, May 17, 2021

Legion Protests Caligari Showing in Los Angeles -- May 17, 2021


Motion Picture News, 21-May-1921

In 1919, German director Robert Weine created The Cabinet of Dr Caligari, an expressionist horror film. The movie premiered in Germany in early 1920. In 1921, it premiered in the United States and caused an uproar, distributed by Goldwyn. I think I first saw it on KQED-Channel 9, our local PBS station. 

Conrad Veidt played Cesare, the Somnambulist. Werner Krauss played Doctor Caligari.

Motion Picture News, 07-May-1921

"The Town Clerk Insults Dr. Caligari." I cannot find the name of the actor who played the town clerk. The character later came to regret this act. I think his desk needs some ergonomic adjustments.

Motion Picture News, 21-May-1921

The American Legion, a veterans' organization, opposed the showing of Caligari, not because it was a weird film but because it was made in Germany.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

The Cabinet of Dr Caligari -- April 15, 2021


Motion Picture News, 23-April-1921

In 1919, German director Robert Weine created The Cabinet of Dr Caligari, an expressionist horror film. The movie premiered in Germany in early 1920. 100 years ago this month, it premiered in the United States and caused an uproar. I think I first saw it on KQED-Channel 9, our local PBS station. 

Conrad Veidt played Cesare, the Somnambulist.

Motion Picture News, 23-April-1921

Werner Krauss played Doctor Caligari.

Motion Picture News, 23-April-1921

Lil Dagover played the unfortunate Jane.

Motion Picture News, 23-April-1921

Cesare and Caligari.

Motion Picture News, 30-April-1921

Caligari at the fair.

Motion Picture News, 16-April-1921