Showing posts with label Bud Jamison. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bud Jamison. Show all posts

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Join the Order of Money-Makers -- June 23, 2019

Moving Picture World, 07-June-1919
100 years ago this month, in June, 1919, Harold Lloyd and his leading lady Bebe Daniels appeared in an interesting ad, especially in light of Harold's later deep involvement with the Shriners.  Things would soon change for Harold.

Moving Picture World, 07-June-1919
"Pistols for Breakfast" is an interesting title.  "There are some fairly humorous situations in this, but it is hardly up to the average production by this company."  Titles in the form of "Swat the [something]" were very popular.  A quick check finds these: Swat the Fly, Swat the Kaiser, Swat the Flirt, Swat the Spy .

Moving Picture World, 14-June-1919
I thought it was interesting that an Iowa theater owner held a "Harold Lloyd Comedy Week."  I don't remember any earlier references to a proto-film festival like this.

Moving Picture World, 21-June-1919
Harold and a heavily armed Snub in "Swat the Crook."

Moving Picture World, 21-June-1919
"Swat the Crook" was a satire of crime play/movie stereotypes.

Bud Jamison appears in "Off the Trolley." Snub is the motorman and Bebe is the conductor.  "Spring Fever" is said to be "One of the snappiest of recent comedies featuring Harold Lloyd, Harry Pollard and Bebe Daniels."

Moving Picture World, 28-June-1919
"A Live Wire Comedy."  Good one.

Moving Picture World, 28-June-1919
They must have gotten tired releasing one movie a week.

Moving Picture World, 28-June-1919
I like this image with Snub, Harold and Bebe.

Moving Picture World, 21-June-1919
Bebe, Harold's leading lady since 1915, was flying the coop to work with Cecil B DeMille.

Moving Picture World, 28-June-1919
Mildred Harris took the place of Bebe.  Later she married Harold.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Bebe Daniels, Snub Pollard and Luke Lloyd -- June 23, 2017

Moving Picture World, 02-June-1917

Rolin was a company founded by Hal Roach and Dan Linthicum. Harold Lloyd was their first comedy star. Bebe Daniels was their cute leading lady and Snub Pollard was Snub Pollard.  By mid-1917, the Lonesome Luke series was a big hit.  It had moved from one-reelers to two-reelers.  I don't think I have seen a reference to "Luke Lloyd" before. 

Moving Picture World, 16-June-1917
Harold Lloyd doesn't look quite so much like Chaplin in this image. 

Moving Picture World, 16-June-1917
Bud Jamison supported Charlie Chaplin, Stan Laurel, Harry Langdon, Charley Chase and the Three Stooges.