Showing posts with label Robert Ryan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robert Ryan. Show all posts

Friday, November 11, 2022

Bad Day at Black Rock -- November 11, 2022

Happy Veterans Day, everyone. In Bad Day at Black Rock, a streamliner stops in the high desert town of Black Rock. This is the first time the streamliner has stopped there in four years. Spencer Tracy, playing one-armed John J Macreedy, steps down from the train. Everyone in the village is showing signs of paranoia. Macreedy wants to give the Japanese-American father of a friend a medal that his son had earned. Macreedy learns what had happened in the town and does something about it. Ernest Borgnine and Lee Marvin gave great performances as bad guys in small roles.

During World War Two, director John Sturges served as a commissioned officer making films for the US Army Air Force.

Spencer Tracy volunteered for the US Navy during the First World War, but the war ended before he finished training. He was honorably discharged in 1919. 

During World War Two, Robert Ryan joined the US Marine Corps and served as a Drill Instructor. 

Ernest Borgnine served in the US Navy before the war. He reenlisted after Pearl Harbor and served throughout the war. 

Lee Marvin served in the USMC and was badly wounded on Saipan.