Showing posts with label Dean Martin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dean Martin. Show all posts

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Jerry Lewis, RIP -- August 20, 2017

Jerry Lewis has died.  When I was a little kid, he was very popular.  When I got old enough to go to movies, he was laughed at, but not in a good way.  I saw many of his movies with Dean Martin on television.  I thought their comedy was undisciplined.  I preferred Chaplin and Keaton.

Then I saw The Nutty Professor on television.  I love it.  There was a shot where Professor Kelp was lying on the floor and the camera pulled back and I could see his white socks.  It broke my heart.

After that, I knew that Jerry Lewis was a great director.  I found The Total Film-Maker at the Main Library.  Video assist sounded like a wonderful idea, especially for a person who directed himself.  He talk film courses at USC. Steven Spielberg and George Lucas studied with him.

I tried to watch the telethon a couple of times.  I couldn't stand it.

The last new thing I saw him in was an episode of Law and Order

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Dean Martin 100 -- June 7, 2017
Singer, comic and actor Dean Martin was born 100 years ago today, on 07-June-1917, in Steubenville, Ohio.  I first remember him as an aging guy with a television variety show I didn't like to watch.  Later I saw his movies, first with partner Jerry Lewis, then on his own.  Then I started to pay attention to his music and realized he could sing.  Then I realized that he may have been the coolest guy in the world.