Showing posts with label zionist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zionist. Show all posts

Thursday, January 29, 2015

I for one am sick of everything always being compared to the stock WWII Hitler

I for one am sick of everything always being compared to the stock WWII Hitler why isn't the same said and done with Stalin and his terror,Gulags, and Gendercide?

In the original version of his book The Great Terror, Robert Conquest gave the following estimates of those arrested, executed, and incarcerated during the height of the Purge:
Arrests, 1937-1938 - about 7 million

Executed - about 1 million
Died in camps - about 2 million
In prison, late 1938 - about 1 million
In camps, late 1938 - about 8 million
 m m m Zionist NWO coming to a location near you?

A Comprehensive History of Zionist Crimes


Rise Of The Global Police State (Full Length) HD