Showing posts with label United Airlines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label United Airlines. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

TB Infected Man On 'Do Not Board' List Flies

Yeah your right no biggie you don’t fly so not a problem right, because the airline said so. NOT I know that is a lie and a way to keep the masses at a no biggie I’ll just take an anti-biotic. That is the biggest lie. I’m saying this because I have personally seen a friend of the family that was infected by someone with an active strain of TB that got it just from being in the same building(where they worked) as the one infected. My friend was a 6′ something (220 lb give or take) man that even after medical treatment that didn’t work brought down to 90 something pounds. In turn this friend passed that TB strain onto 35 confirmed cases + one 15 year old high school student who was allowed to return to school. Those are just the ones I know about, who knows how many those 35 infected all under the Health Departments Watch. Another reason diversity/open borders, The HIV/Aids(ban) of Immigrants etc is so wonderful don’t you think…… NOT

Over the weekend, a man on the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention's "do not board" list, with a steaming case of tuberculosis, managed to fly from Philadelphia to SFO. Should his fellow passengers be worried? Not so, says US Airways spokesman Morgan Durant.

"We're pleased to hear from CDC that there is little to no risk of exposure on flights less than eight hours," Durant told KCBS. "The flight from Philadelphia to San Francisco is a little bit less than six hours."

Hmm. We recommend mainlining a few Emergen-Cs for good measure.

Anyway, federal health and aviation security officials are currently investigating how he managed to board the plane. After the unidentified man was already en route, CDC officials discovered he was on the plane. Oops. San Mateo County health officials met him at SFO, isolated him, and whisked him off to a nearby hospital.