DULUTH, Minn. – A new Un-Fair Campaign billboard has been defaced with a spray-painted racial slur and a Confederate flag.
The billboard, above the intersection of Sixth Avenue East and Fourth Street in Duluth, states: “Racism: Ignore it and it won’t go away.” To that, someone has added, in red, “No naggers” and the flag symbol underneath the message.
The word “naggers” is another version of the more commonly known racial epithet, said Claudie Washington, president of the local chapter of the NAACP.
“I’ve seen many versions of that word,” he said, and because it’s been painted on a sign denouncing racism along with a Confederate flag, he has no doubts about its meaning. “It clearly indicates to me how racism is alive and well.”
“We will not tolerate racist slurs,” said Ellen O’Neill, executive director of the Duluth YWCA, speaking on behalf of the 18 partners of the Un-Fair Campaign. “This proves how badly this campaign is needed and how badly this community needs to talk about racism.”
The Un-Fair Campaign began in January. Its goal is to bring people together to talk about the effects of racism. The main message has focused on white privilege with the line, “It’s hard to see racism when you’re white.”
Anti-White Un-Fair Campaign from University of Minnesota @ Duluth & We Can Help Stop It!
Duluth is one of the least ethnically diverse cities in the United States with 90 percent of its population claiming to be white in the 2010 census.
This was posted in an earlier Blog: http://newsaxon.org/Vlad_Tepes/blog/more-twisted-s... but I wanted to bring it out again and keep the message alive to stop this Anti-White campaign. We can write, call, text, e-mail, or do whatever it takes to let the supporters of this organization know that what they are doing is wrong and we will not put up with it. Below you will find contact information to let your voices be heard. You will find the telephone numbers, e-mail, and other contact information once you go to each home page after clicking onto the web site link. We can use our technology of phones and computers and be active in stopping this rather than just sitting here chatting among ourselves. I myself can send them a video of Newburgh, NY in the original Blog link above to show this Un-Fair Campaign and all their Sponsors and Supporters just what happens when you take an “All White” city and let the blacks move in. And ask them why are there similar cities in size that are vibrant today because they are mostly white. Despite what the Jews will tell you it was not the economic times and recession that ruined these cities years ago but instead it was the blacks moving in otherwise every city would be a slum but they are not. Only the ones the blacks and non-whites moved into became cesspools & war zones while the white ones are still relatively safe to walk around and live in today. Let us all make a difference today by taking that first step and let our voices be heard!
University sponsors campaign to undermine 'white privilege'... in one of the whitest cities in the United States of America:
A university's campaign to undermine 'white privilege' in one of the whitest cities in America has sparked outrage, with hundreds complaining that it blames racism on whites and makes white people out to be stupid and naive.
The 'Un-Fair Campaign', which is sponsored by the University of Minnesota in Duluth, where 90 percent of people are white, asks if people feel enough guilt for the color of their skin and poses the question: 'Is white skin really fair skin?'
'You give me better jobs, better pay, better treatment, and a better chance - all because of the color of my skin,' reads one poster from the 'Un-Fair Campaign', which wants to change the racial make-up of Duluth because figures suggest similar but more diverse cities across the Midwest are performing better economically.
Eleven out of the 25 large cities with high white populations in America are in the north Midwestern region of the U.S. in states such as Minnesota, Wisconsin and North Dakota.
One of the least diverse cities in America, over two percent of Duluth's 86,265 people identified themselves as black in the 2010 census with similar percentages for Native American's and Asian people.
The campaign offers to teach the residents of Duluth the opportunity to 'learn anti-racist language and behavior' and to speak up when they see 'white privilege' in everyday life and not to tolerate it from others.
Designed to create an open racial dialogue within Duluth, the campaign wants to 'raise awareness about white privilege in our community...that result in fundamental, systemic change towards racial justice.'
Encouraging white people in Duluth to speak up about racism and the many privileges white people receive, the 'Un-Fair Campaign' says that 'It is hard to see racism when we are white because the systems and institutions are set up to look like us and advantage us.'
Continuing, the campaign wants its mission to be 'Challenging the white monoculture' and feels that eliminating the 'privileges it creates for whites is a necessary step in eliminating racism.'
The anti-racism drive has posters of Caucasian men and women covered in 'Examples of White Privilege', such as 'I can come to my meeting late and not have my lateness attributed to race' and 'We’re lucky we don't get stared at every time we walk into a room.'
Opponents of the University's message such as Duluth resident Phil Pierson believe it is plain wrong.
'You can't open a discussion on race and hope to see it move in a positive direction when you raise the topic by stereotyping an entire race,' said Pierson to the Star Tribune.
'It spreads animosity and hate, teaches a new generation to point fingers and focuses on the color of our skin instead of the idea that we're all human.'
Indeed, the campaign which has cost more than $4000 since the beginning of the year has been questioned as to why it is asking a majority white city to readdress its attitude towards race.
'I don't like the way they were worded,' said Chuck Horton, who runs a boxing gym in Duluth about the billboards and posters.
'They implied white people can't see racism, so we must be stupid.
'That was insulting to me.'
The 'Unfair Campaign' has responded to criticism by quoting economic figures which indicate that the city slightly underperforms against other cities with more diverse populations.
However, with its emphasis on introspection, structural racism for white privilege and tolerance workshops with names such as the 'White Privilege Conference', some feel the campaign is a waste of time.
The Mayor of Duluth, Don Ness has received death threats from all over the world for the billboards and posters, some that encourage him to 'Die, scum, die.'
'I became kind of a lighting rod for groups outside our community,' said Ness.
'It was disappointing to see the level of hate and ugliness.'
Edit – Below is our letter to the Mayor:
To Mayor Don Ness,
Thank you for taking the time to read this email in its entirety and allowing me to sincerely express my concerns.
This billboard project is described as “Anti-Racist”, it is in fact Anti-White. “Anti-Racism” is just being used as a thinly veiled excuse for this Anti-White campaign. I seriously doubt that anyone would go to a non-white country, such as Japan, and put up these types of signs targeting the Japanese for this sort of abuse, despite the unfortunate misdeeds of Japan in the past, or the fact that Japanese are the majority population in Japan.
This campaign is ugly, offensive, and dangerously incites Anti-White hate, and White self-hatred.
Furthermore, I wish to inform you of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article II, Section B, which states that targeting a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group for serious bodily or MENTAL HARM is in violation of this International Law against Genocide. In my opinion, this Anti-White campaign is in violation of this law, and this is just another facet of the copious Genocidal agenda that is afflicting my people. I would say that in most White countries, Sections A through D are currently being violated. This type of campaign just serves to justify the Genocide of my people, and further exacerbate this horrendous situation.
I would encourage you to publicly apologize for endorsing this Anti-White campaign and condemn this Genocidal Anti-White agenda.
Thank you for your time.
Letter & Article Link: http://whitegenocideproject.com/anti-white-adverti...
The 'Unfair Campaign' even goes as far as to state the landmarks of 'White Privilege' since 1600, which include the Human Genome Project which has a 'white preoccupation' with genetic difference, Hurricane Katrina and ends in 2009 with the inauguration of President Obama.
With a total of 15 sponsors, including the City of Duluth Mayor's Office, League of Women Voters and the Universities of Minnesota Duluth and Wisconsin Superior, the campaign is devoting all its energies to 'Cracking the Shell of Whiteness'
'It's possible to never interact with a person of color here,' said Ellen O'Neill, executive director of the YWCA of Duluth, one of the campaign's 15 sponsors.
'It makes the problem more invisible.'
Who created the Campaign and its materials and how will they be used?
A committee of the YWCA, working with a Duluth area advertising agency, developed the graphics for the campaign over the course of a year. The content, look and feel were developed after extensive conversations with the committee and community partners.
Posters were printed and made available to partner organizations from mid-October 2011 through January 2012. They will be used to bring attention to the issue of white privilege as well as serve as a tool for encourage dialogue and programs that meet partners organizational objectives.
In January, the campaign will launch publicly with billboards, bus signs, additional posters, and radio and TV public service announcements. At that time, posters and other campaign materials will be made available to the wider community.
Campaign Partners:
• Central Labor Body: www.laborworld.org/clb_home.htm
• CHUM (Churches United In Ministry): www.chumduluth.org
• City of Duluth (Mayor’s Office, Human Rights Commision, American Indian Commision):http://www.duluthmn.gov/
• Clayton, Jackson, McGhie Memorial Inc.: www.claytonjacksonmcghie.org
• Community Action Duluth: www.communityactionduluth.org
• Domestic Abuse Intervention Project: www.theduluthmodel.org
• Lake Superior College: www.lsc.edu
• League of Women Voters: www.lwvduluth.org
• Life House: www.lifehouseduluth.org
• Lutheran Social Service – Duluth Services: www.lssmn.org
• Men as Peacemakers: www.menaspeacemakers.org
• NAACP: www.naacp.org
• Peace Church UCC: www.peaceucc.org
• St. Louis County Public Health and Human Services: www.stlouiscountymn.gov
• University of Minnesota Duluth: www.d.umn.edu
• University of Wisconsin Superior: www.uwsuper.edu
• YWCA: www.ywcaduluth.org
Link To Above Partners: http://unfaircampaign.org/partners/
Un-Fair Campaign Website Home Page: http://unfaircampaign.org/
Article & Pictures Link: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2162793/Un...
Commentary (edited into video) on University of Minnesota Anti-White Un-FairCampaign.org showing how bad this is Video Link: http://youtu.be/BBqWMblu_Ss
Sign Defaced Link: http://www.duluthnewstribune.com/event/article/id/...
Related European Link:
Peter Sutherland: EU Must Commit Genocide of Whites in Europe – UN Chief told peers the future prosperity of many EU states depended on them becoming multicultural as Jews want to do the same to whites in Europe as the U.S. Link: http://whitegenocideproject.com/eu-must-commit-gen...
This was posted in an earlier Blog: http://newsaxon.org/Vlad_Tepes/blog/more-twisted-s... but I wanted to bring it out again and keep the message alive to stop this Anti-White campaign. We can write, call, text, e-mail, or do whatever it takes to let the supporters of this organization know that what they are doing is wrong and we will not put up with it. Below you will find contact information to let your voices be heard. You will find the telephone numbers, e-mail, and other contact information once you go to each home page after clicking onto the web site link. We can use our technology of phones and computers and be active in stopping this rather than just sitting here chatting among ourselves. I myself can send them a video of Newburgh, NY in the original Blog link above to show this Un-Fair Campaign and all their Sponsors and Supporters just what happens when you take an “All White” city and let the blacks move in. And ask them why are there similar cities in size that are vibrant today because they are mostly white. Despite what the Jews will tell you it was not the economic times and recession that ruined these cities years ago but instead it was the blacks moving in otherwise every city would be a slum but they are not. Only the ones the blacks and non-whites moved into became cesspools & war zones while the white ones are still relatively safe to walk around and live in today. Let us all make a difference today by taking that first step and let our voices be heard!
University sponsors campaign to undermine 'white privilege'... in one of the whitest cities in the United States of America:
A university's campaign to undermine 'white privilege' in one of the whitest cities in America has sparked outrage, with hundreds complaining that it blames racism on whites and makes white people out to be stupid and naive.
The 'Un-Fair Campaign', which is sponsored by the University of Minnesota in Duluth, where 90 percent of people are white, asks if people feel enough guilt for the color of their skin and poses the question: 'Is white skin really fair skin?'
'You give me better jobs, better pay, better treatment, and a better chance - all because of the color of my skin,' reads one poster from the 'Un-Fair Campaign', which wants to change the racial make-up of Duluth because figures suggest similar but more diverse cities across the Midwest are performing better economically.
Eleven out of the 25 large cities with high white populations in America are in the north Midwestern region of the U.S. in states such as Minnesota, Wisconsin and North Dakota.
One of the least diverse cities in America, over two percent of Duluth's 86,265 people identified themselves as black in the 2010 census with similar percentages for Native American's and Asian people.
The campaign offers to teach the residents of Duluth the opportunity to 'learn anti-racist language and behavior' and to speak up when they see 'white privilege' in everyday life and not to tolerate it from others.
Designed to create an open racial dialogue within Duluth, the campaign wants to 'raise awareness about white privilege in our community...that result in fundamental, systemic change towards racial justice.'
Encouraging white people in Duluth to speak up about racism and the many privileges white people receive, the 'Un-Fair Campaign' says that 'It is hard to see racism when we are white because the systems and institutions are set up to look like us and advantage us.'
Continuing, the campaign wants its mission to be 'Challenging the white monoculture' and feels that eliminating the 'privileges it creates for whites is a necessary step in eliminating racism.'
The anti-racism drive has posters of Caucasian men and women covered in 'Examples of White Privilege', such as 'I can come to my meeting late and not have my lateness attributed to race' and 'We’re lucky we don't get stared at every time we walk into a room.'
Opponents of the University's message such as Duluth resident Phil Pierson believe it is plain wrong.
'You can't open a discussion on race and hope to see it move in a positive direction when you raise the topic by stereotyping an entire race,' said Pierson to the Star Tribune.
'It spreads animosity and hate, teaches a new generation to point fingers and focuses on the color of our skin instead of the idea that we're all human.'
Indeed, the campaign which has cost more than $4000 since the beginning of the year has been questioned as to why it is asking a majority white city to readdress its attitude towards race.
'I don't like the way they were worded,' said Chuck Horton, who runs a boxing gym in Duluth about the billboards and posters.
'They implied white people can't see racism, so we must be stupid.
'That was insulting to me.'
The 'Unfair Campaign' has responded to criticism by quoting economic figures which indicate that the city slightly underperforms against other cities with more diverse populations.
However, with its emphasis on introspection, structural racism for white privilege and tolerance workshops with names such as the 'White Privilege Conference', some feel the campaign is a waste of time.
The Mayor of Duluth, Don Ness has received death threats from all over the world for the billboards and posters, some that encourage him to 'Die, scum, die.'
'I became kind of a lighting rod for groups outside our community,' said Ness.
'It was disappointing to see the level of hate and ugliness.'
Edit – Below is our letter to the Mayor:
To Mayor Don Ness,
Thank you for taking the time to read this email in its entirety and allowing me to sincerely express my concerns.
This billboard project is described as “Anti-Racist”, it is in fact Anti-White. “Anti-Racism” is just being used as a thinly veiled excuse for this Anti-White campaign. I seriously doubt that anyone would go to a non-white country, such as Japan, and put up these types of signs targeting the Japanese for this sort of abuse, despite the unfortunate misdeeds of Japan in the past, or the fact that Japanese are the majority population in Japan.
This campaign is ugly, offensive, and dangerously incites Anti-White hate, and White self-hatred.
Furthermore, I wish to inform you of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article II, Section B, which states that targeting a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group for serious bodily or MENTAL HARM is in violation of this International Law against Genocide. In my opinion, this Anti-White campaign is in violation of this law, and this is just another facet of the copious Genocidal agenda that is afflicting my people. I would say that in most White countries, Sections A through D are currently being violated. This type of campaign just serves to justify the Genocide of my people, and further exacerbate this horrendous situation.
I would encourage you to publicly apologize for endorsing this Anti-White campaign and condemn this Genocidal Anti-White agenda.
Thank you for your time.
Letter & Article Link: http://whitegenocideproject.com/anti-white-adverti...
The 'Unfair Campaign' even goes as far as to state the landmarks of 'White Privilege' since 1600, which include the Human Genome Project which has a 'white preoccupation' with genetic difference, Hurricane Katrina and ends in 2009 with the inauguration of President Obama.
With a total of 15 sponsors, including the City of Duluth Mayor's Office, League of Women Voters and the Universities of Minnesota Duluth and Wisconsin Superior, the campaign is devoting all its energies to 'Cracking the Shell of Whiteness'
'It's possible to never interact with a person of color here,' said Ellen O'Neill, executive director of the YWCA of Duluth, one of the campaign's 15 sponsors.
'It makes the problem more invisible.'
Who created the Campaign and its materials and how will they be used?
A committee of the YWCA, working with a Duluth area advertising agency, developed the graphics for the campaign over the course of a year. The content, look and feel were developed after extensive conversations with the committee and community partners.
Posters were printed and made available to partner organizations from mid-October 2011 through January 2012. They will be used to bring attention to the issue of white privilege as well as serve as a tool for encourage dialogue and programs that meet partners organizational objectives.
In January, the campaign will launch publicly with billboards, bus signs, additional posters, and radio and TV public service announcements. At that time, posters and other campaign materials will be made available to the wider community.
Campaign Partners:
• Central Labor Body: www.laborworld.org/clb_home.htm
• CHUM (Churches United In Ministry): www.chumduluth.org
• City of Duluth (Mayor’s Office, Human Rights Commision, American Indian Commision):http://www.duluthmn.gov/
• Clayton, Jackson, McGhie Memorial Inc.: www.claytonjacksonmcghie.org
• Community Action Duluth: www.communityactionduluth.org
• Domestic Abuse Intervention Project: www.theduluthmodel.org
• Lake Superior College: www.lsc.edu
• League of Women Voters: www.lwvduluth.org
• Life House: www.lifehouseduluth.org
• Lutheran Social Service – Duluth Services: www.lssmn.org
• Men as Peacemakers: www.menaspeacemakers.org
• NAACP: www.naacp.org
• Peace Church UCC: www.peaceucc.org
• St. Louis County Public Health and Human Services: www.stlouiscountymn.gov
• University of Minnesota Duluth: www.d.umn.edu
• University of Wisconsin Superior: www.uwsuper.edu
• YWCA: www.ywcaduluth.org
Link To Above Partners: http://unfaircampaign.org/partners/
Un-Fair Campaign Website Home Page: http://unfaircampaign.org/
Article & Pictures Link: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2162793/Un...
Commentary (edited into video) on University of Minnesota Anti-White Un-FairCampaign.org showing how bad this is Video Link: http://youtu.be/BBqWMblu_Ss
Sign Defaced Link: http://www.duluthnewstribune.com/event/article/id/...
Related European Link:
Peter Sutherland: EU Must Commit Genocide of Whites in Europe – UN Chief told peers the future prosperity of many EU states depended on them becoming multicultural as Jews want to do the same to whites in Europe as the U.S. Link: http://whitegenocideproject.com/eu-must-commit-gen...