Showing posts with label Zoroastrians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zoroastrians. Show all posts

Friday, September 16, 2011

What so now are they going to pass a law saying we can’t own dogs now?

What so now are they going to pass a law saying we can’t own dogs now?

Islamic Dogophobia and Our Canine Heroes

Kalb, or dog, is one of the worst possible insults in the Muslim world. Call a man Kalb or Kalb ibn Kalb, if you want the knives to come out. In Afghanistan, those who fled the Taliban and returned to help the Coalition rebuild the country are called “Sag shouey” or “Dog washers” since Americans are infidel dogs and the Afghans who cooperate with Americans are menial servants of the dogs.
Mohammed, in addition to his affinity for pre-teen girls also had a compulsive hatred of dogs. Some Hadiths quote him ordering the killing of all dogs, others show him to be moderate ordering that only “‘black dogs” be killed. Which gives a special edge to the not uncommon description in the Muslim world of Obama as a “black dog”.

After Osama bin Laden’s execution, an imam of the Al-Aqsa mosque castigated the “Western dogs” who had done it. And as it turned out a dog actually did accompany the SEAL team that took down Osama. Unlike the billions spent on trying to win over Pakistanis and Afghans, who went on aiding terrorists anyway– the dogs remained true and loyal friends.
On September 11th, among the first responders were our four footed friends who risked their lives clambering around the smoking rubble in search of survivors. Muslims believe that an angel cannot enter a home when a dog is inside. But after the Muslims had killed thousands of Americans, it was the dogs who acted as the angels finding the bodies where they could and helping give the families of the dead something to bury.
In Afghanistan, Muslim Dogophobia can actually be an advantage for the people who befriend dogs instead of trying to mutilate them because a seventh century pedophile claimed they were unclean.
“Dogs can be used to pacify an unruly group of people — particularly in the Middle East,” says one New York Times article, while avoiding specifying who that unruly group of people may be, and why they need pacifying.
In the UK, Muslims have gotten themselves exempted from contact with bomb sniffing dogs on religious grounds– if they can only find a reason why metal detectors are also against their religion, then the sky is theirs.
For much of the past decade, the Iranian government has tolerated what it considers a particularly depraved and un-Islamic vice: the keeping of pet dogs.
During periodic crackdowns, police have confiscated dogs from their owners right off the street; and state media has lectured Iranians on the diseases spread by canines. The cleric Gholamreza Hassani, from the city of Urmia, has been satirized for his sermons railing against “short-legged” and “holdable” dogs. But as with the policing of many other practices (like imbibing alcoholic drinks) that are deemed impure by the mullahs but perfectly fine to many Iranians, the state has eventually relaxed and let dog lovers be.
Those days of tacit acceptance may soon be over, however. Lawmakers in Tehran have recently proposed a bill in parliament that would criminalize dog ownership, formally enshrining its punishment within the country’s Islamic penal code.
The bill warns that that in addition to posing public health hazards, the popularity of dog ownership “also poses a cultural problem, a blind imitation of the vulgar culture of the West.” more
When Muslims plot terrorist attacks, it is the bomb sniffing dogs who serve as the front line of defense against them. Military dogs walk the front lines searching out Taliban explosives and have become primary targets of enemy snipers. At airports, we would do much better to fire the TSA’s gropers and luggage thieves, and dump the naked scanners, and replace them with dogs. The enemy may fool our politicians, our clergy and our law enforcement– but they will never fool a dog.
How can a dog tell the difference between a Muslim and a non-Muslim even when there are no racial or ethnic differences?
In Iran, visitors tell of dogs who could distinguish between Zoroastrians and Muslims; “In Sharifabad the dogs distinguished clearly between Moslem and Zoroastrian, and were prepared to go…full of hope, into a crowded Zoroastrian assembly, or to fall asleep trustfully in a Zoroastrian lane, but would flee as before Satan from a group of Moslem boys.”
In the Islamic Republic of Iran, the dog is still a particular object of Muslim hatred.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Well take a look at what we may have to look forward too. Part One

I've been doing some research and reading of my own that the MSM, Muslims and Islamic's, aren't telling us for years and trying to share that information with all, so that we are able to understand 'the religion of peace'.

The past few days I've come across some information that I think we all need to see and what we may have to look forward too.  What I'm going to do is take part's of what I've read(links attached, for your further reading)and maybe give my thoughts & questions to it.  If anyone has anything they would like to share in a comment/words I'd appreciate it.   Thanks in advance for those that choose to read and perhaps reply.

non-Muslim Religious Celebrations and Ruling on participataing

The conflict between truth and falsehood is ongoing and will last as long as this world remains. The fact that some groups among the Ummah of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
are following the people of falsehood such as the Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians, idol-worshippers and others, whilst a group is remaining steadfast to the truth despite the pressures, is all part of the decreed system of the universe. But this does not mean that we should give in and follow the ways of those who are astray, because the one who told us that this would inevitably happen also warned us against following this path, and he commanded us to adhere firmly to Islam no matter how many people deviate from it and no matter how strong they become. He told us that the blessed one is the one who adheres steadfastly to the truth no matter what the distractions, at a time when the one who does righteous deeds will earn the reward of fifty men whose deeds are like those of the Sahaabah (may Allaah be pleased with them) – as was reported in the hadeeth of Abu Tha’labah al-Khushani (may Allaah be pleased with him).

picture and link to story taken  from Jihad Watch

Egypt: Muslims burn Christian man alive, stab his father to death

Muslims Attack Christianity At Trinity University

*does this mean that since they are so offended by 'Our Lord' does that mean they are offended by taking American Money that says 'In God We Trust'?*

story below taken from Islamization Watch

It is obvious Muslims are expected to be tolerant of no one ~ even at a College which clearly has Christian roots. Perhaps the next request might be to have 'Trinity' removed from the name ~ so it doesn't appear on their diploma.

A group of students at Trinity University is lobbying trustees to drop a reference to “Our Lord” on their diplomas, arguing it does not respect the diversity of religions on campus.  “A diploma is a very personal item, and people want to proudly display it in their offices and homes,” said Sidra Qureshi, president of Trinity Diversity Connection. “By having the phrase ‘In the Year of Our Lord,' it is directly referencing Jesus Christ, and not everyone believes in Jesus Christ.”

Qureshi, who is Muslim, has led the charge to tweak the wording, winning support from student government and a campus commencement committee. Trustees are expected to consider the students' request at a May board meeting.MORE

“I will precede you to the Cistern, and men from among you will be brought to me, and when I stretch forth my hand to them, they will be pulled away. I will say, ‘O Lord! My followers!’ and it will be said:
You do not know what they innovated after you were gone.’
According to another report: “I will say: ‘May he be doomed, the one who changed (the religion) after I was gone.’”
One of the most obvious manifestations of this altering of Islam and disdainfully treating the religion of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is the way in which people follow the
enemies of Allaah – may He be exalted – in everything, major or minor, in the name of development, progress and civilization, under the banners of peaceful coexistence, human brotherhood, new world
order, globalization and other dazzling but deceitful slogans.

* Alright, hasn't America already been basically chastised and stripped of many of our traditions already due to Muslims/Islamics taking offense and made to rearrange America and other European countries  lives so that they weren't or aren't offended.* 

“and follow not their vain desires, diverging away from the truth that has come to you. To each among you, We have prescribed a law and a clear way” [al-Maa’idah 5:48]
“For every nation We have ordained religious ceremonies which they must follow” [al-Hajj 22:67] – which means, a festival which is for them alone.
Many Muslims have been led astray by the dazzling attractions of the enemies of Allaah, especially the Christians with their major festivals such as the celebration of the birth of the Messiah (peace be upon
him) – i.e., Christmas – and the Christian New Year. They attend Christian parties on these occasions in their (Christians’) countries


Al-Muhajiroun was the extremist organisation that recruited or converted young Muslims and British men to their political goal of a worldwide Islamic state, starting with the Emirate of Great Britain. It was never clear whether they would recognise England, Scotland and Wales but the overall objective was clear. A troublesome development was the disbandment of this organisation which appeared to portend greater underground activity on the part of the radicals.
Hannah Strange, UK correspondent for UPI, was attending a women's conference where Sheikh Omar, the former head of Al-Muhajiroun, was setting out his philosophy: Since Britain had invaded Iraq, the covenant of security that protected these islands from Islam was now broken, and as a consequence, war was declared. No doubt these sentiments weighed heavily on his heart since his patriotism was not in doubt:
Either withdraw your own forces or don't expect Muslims not to support the Muslims abroad," said Sheikh Omar, adding that the West supports dictators abroad when they see fit. If the government met those conditions, Muslims could continue to live peacefully in Britain, he said.
"After that there will be no need to fight anybody, we've been living in peace here for years, and we can continue to live in peace," he said. "We love Britain."
However, the usual epithets on 9/11, killing all non-Muslims and blaming the Jews outweighed his love of bully beef and the Queen. It was the story that they always tell themselves. They are not to blame. They were invaded. They are merely defending themselves against the hand that is raised against them. Indeed, their pathology is a puzzling outpouring of delusional bombast reinforced by the blood of innocents. 

Their bloodcurdling enactment of 9/11 demonstrates the distance between our compassion and the hatred of these extremists.

The speakers, all leading members of the group, called for war against the kuffaar (non-Muslims) and lead chants as a projector screen showed images of dead American soldiers in Iraq. As the infamous images of two planes crashing into the twin towers of the World Trade Center replayed again and again, the rapt watchers thrust their fists in the air and chanted "Allahu Akhbar! (God is great!)"

"Nine-eleven was one example of some people who chose to show us they are men, real Muslim men," said one speaker
Muslims must also beware of "the enemy within" -- moderate Muslims such as those on the Muslim Council of Britain, he said.
They side with "the Jewish conspirators, the Jewish occupiers and the Christian crusaders," he said, and "will sell out their Muslim brothers."