MISLED AND CRIMINAL PEOPLE – Albert Einstein’s letter to the Fighters for the Freedom of Israel, commonly known as the Stern Gang or LEHI (Lohmey Heruth Israel). The Stern Gang, which Rahm Emanuel’s father was a member of, “were believers in unrestricted and indiscriminate terror”, Arthur Koestler wrote in “The Rise of Terrorism.” Einstein, a devoted Zionist, strongly opposed the Zionist terrorist gangs that later became the Mossad, Israel’s foreign intelligence agency, and Likud, the extremist right-wing party that rules Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu and the current leaders of Israel are second generation members of these terrorist gangs as is Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s political advisor and first Chief of Staff.
Source: Deir Yassin RememberedAlbert Einstein in New Jersey (1948)Albert Einstein, the famous scientist and a well known Zionist, openly warned American Jews in 1948 that the Herut party of Menachem Begin was ”no ordinary political party.” Begin’s party bore ”the unmistakable stamp of a Fascist party for whom terrorism (against Jews, Arabs, and British alike), and misrepresentation are means, and a ‘Leader State’ is the goal.” Begin, the former leader of the terrorist Irgun, later created the Likud party by merging Herut with other right-wing parties in 1973. The terrorist leader then became the first Likudnik prime minister of Israel in 1977 when his party won the election. Begin’s Likud party has dominated Israeli politics for the past 34 years but has never changed its stripes; it is still a terrorist organization. Begin’s gang of terrorists and their sons and daughters are, in fact, the highest level architects of the false flag terrorism of 9/11, a terror atrocity they had planned since the 1970s.
In December 1948, Albert Einstein and 26 other Jewish intellectuals wrote a letter to the New York Times warning of Menachem Begin’s Herut party, which became the Likud Party, saying it was “closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties.” Begin was visiting New York at the time raising funds and support for his “terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization.”
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