Showing posts with label Officer Adams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Officer Adams. Show all posts

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Ohio Valley Mall; Rent-a-Cop ‘Officer Adams’ Loses Her Cool, Biker Chic shows her a lesson.

This Ohio Valley Mall “Security Officer” tries to get people to stop taking pictures and leave the property. When they don’t listen to her request, she starts making threats about “pressing charges” and taking their cameras away. She then goes a step further in her power trip and attacks one of the bystanders, ending up on the ground. When the fight is broken up, the rent-a-cop tries to put handcuffs on the girl.

Whats going on with the Truck that these Bikers where filming to begin with?  Dig a little and here you have it.
OVM overturned semi
WTRF 7 News Sports Weather – Wheeling Steubenville

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