Showing posts with label lars vilks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lars vilks. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Lars Vilks attacked by muslims in Sweden.

Lars Vilks, the cartoonist who created outrage in the Muslim community by depicting Mohammed as a dog in a cartoon had a riot break out at his talk about free speech and freedom of creativity at Uppsala University in Sweden. Vilks was not injured in the incident; however his glasses were broken. There was a lot of chaos as numerous young men stormed the small stage area where Vilks was speaking. They put up a lot of resistance against the police who were trying to subdue them. Eventually they were also sprayed with pepper spray.

Threats Against Lars Vilks
In 2007 al Qaeda put a death threat on this cartoonist, with a $100,000 award for his murder. The BBC reports that there would be a “50% bonus if he was slaughtered like a lamb by having his throat cut.”

The CS Monitor reports that after the death threat on Vilks in 2007, he stated “I suppose this makes my art project a bit more serious. It’s also good to know how much one is worth.”

Jihad Jane Plot against Lars Vilks Vilks was the focus of a death plot by “Jihad Jane,” a Pennsylvania woman arrested for terrorism after she was found to be involved with an al Qaeda plot to murder Vilks in Sweden.more