Showing posts with label Potty training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Potty training. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mom Kills Son for Potty Training Accident, Then Eats Pizza

Rip This selfish POS Uterus out through  her nose, and make him cut off  his little pee pee with a rusty hack saw and dine on each other. Then let hungry wild hogs tear them limb from limb...and dine on them.

Potty training is one of the most frustrating parenting experiences I've faced, but I still can't muster even a fraction of an ounce of empathy for Robin Greinke, 26, an Illinois woman, who along with her boyfriend beat her 3-year-old son to death because he wet his pants. Once they were finished, and he lay nearby dying, theyate a pizza and watched a movie.
Greinke and Steven Neil, 33, admitted that they took turns beating the boy for more than an hour after he had an accident February 8 while they were visiting Florida. "They were upset with him and they tossed him andspanked him and punched him," a homicide investigator told Central Florida News 13.
After enjoying themselves with the pizza and movie, Greinke finally called 911 around 5 a.m. to say her son,Noah Fake, was wheezing, and she couldn't sleepShe couldn't sleep. No one with even a hint of a conscience possibly could, but apparently she has none.
If it was a rash incident, it wouldn't make it any better, but at least there would be a tiny hint of understanding of how someone can snap. Potty training can be brutal, but this? This is truly one of the most horrific, unconscionable acts against a child by his own mother I've come across. It makes me physically ache to think about what this child endured.
I just can't imagine what cold, callous people these individuals must be, and what an awful life this boy must have led during the years he was alive. With a mother like that, I can't imagine they were anything but awful. I don't want to believe he's better off dead, but he would likely be better off anywhere than in the care of a woman who could not only kill, but sit by and chow down on dinner afterwards. Monster is the only word for someone like that, and no alcohol or drugs or anything else can provide even a hint of an excuse for these actions.
The couple has been charged with aggravated child abusechild neglect, and first-degree murder. Greinke was denied bail on Saturday and remains in jail and on suicide watch. I hope they watch her closely, because she doesn't deserve such an easy escape from her actions. More