Showing posts with label What the heck did I just watch and hear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label What the heck did I just watch and hear. Show all posts

Sunday, December 22, 2013

What the heck did I just watch and hear? Is McCain Totally full of it or what!

Alright, having a c-Span kinda day, first I watched the Russian State of the Union Address with President Vladimir Putin from Dec 12, 2013

please note the person speaking english in the above clip is not the translator of this 

speech shown on cspan

  first,while doing some baking, of course they don't 

have the whole 1 hour 10 minute speech to show here 

but I'll give you the link with transcript of translation to it from cspan 

then I watched Senator John McCain on Ukraine 56 minute speech from Dec 19, 2013, which of course is completely 

embeddable. . .GO FIGURE must keep the sheep dumb, with little news clips and 

news twisted to the politicans best interest.

  All I have to say Is WOW McCain a lot of what you said is so far off.and what 

the MSM is saying WOW... IDK you can make your own call