I'm writing and reposting an Article Ve'dis Vindhler ((Valkyries Flyte)) brought to our attention today on MySpace, thanks sis. Upon further reading and researching the article,Senate Bill S 1033 IS, McCain and Obama both have been selling us(The Citizens of the United States) out since 2005 when this was made active. I'll just put a few thing I found disturbing as you should also, after all it is 69 pages long! I only got through the first 10 or 11 pages and haven't read through all of it because when I finish it I'll be even more angry.
May 12, 2005
Mr. MCCAIN (for himself, Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. BROWNBACK, Mr. LIEBERMAN, Mr. GRAHAM, and Mr. SALAZAR) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary
To improve border security and immigration.
- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
- (a) Short Title- This Act may be cited as the `Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act'.
- (b) Table of Contents- The table of contents for this Act is as follows:
- Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.
- Sec. 2. Findings.
- Sec. 101. Definitions.
Subtitle A--Border security strategic planning
- Sec. 111. National Strategy for Border Security.
- Sec. 112. Reports to Congress.
- Sec. 113. Authorization of appropriations.
Subtitle B--Border infrastructure, technology integration, and security enhancement
- Sec. 121. Border security coordination plan.
- Sec. 122. Border security advisory committee.
- Sec. 123. Programs on the use of technologies for border security.
- Sec. 124. Combating human smuggling.
- Sec. 125. Savings clause.
Subtitle C--International Border Enforcement
- Sec. 131. North American Security Initiative.
- Sec. 132. Information sharing agreements.
- Sec. 133. Improving the security of Mexico's southern border.
- Sec. 201. State criminal alien assistance program authorization of appropriations.
- Sec. 202. Reimbursement of States for indirect costs relating to the incarceration of illegal aliens.
- Sec. 203. Reimbursement of States for pre-conviction costs relating to the incarceration of illegal aliens.
- Sec. 301. Essential workers.
- Sec. 302. Admission of essential workers.
- Sec. 303. Employer obligations.
- Sec. 304. Protection for workers.
- Sec. 305. Market-based numerical limitations.
- Sec. 306. Adjustment to lawful permanent resident status.
- Sec. 307. Essential Worker Visa Program Task Force.
- Sec. 308. Willing worker-willing employer electronic job registry.
- Sec. 309. Authorization of appropriations.
- Sec. 401. Document and visa requirements.
- Sec. 402. Employment Eligibility Confirmation System.
- Sec. 403. Improved entry and exit data system.
- Sec. 404. Department of labor investigative authorities.
- Sec. 405. Protection of employment rights.
- Sec. 406. Increased fines for prohibited behavior.
- Sec. 501. Labor migration facilitation programs.
- Sec. 502. Bilateral efforts with Mexico to reduce migration pressures and costs.
- Sec. 601. Elimination of existing backlogs.
- Sec. 602. Country limits.
- Sec. 603. Allocation of immigrant visas.
- Sec. 604. Relief for children and widows.
- Sec. 605. Amending the affidavit of support requirements.
- Sec. 606. Discretionary authority.
- Sec. 607. Family unity.
- Sec. 701. H-5B nonimmigrants.
- Sec. 702. Adjustment of status for H-5B nonimmigrants.
- Sec. 703. Aliens not subject to direct numerical limitations.
- Sec. 704. Employer protections.
- Sec. 705. Authorization of appropriations.
- Sec. 801. Right to qualified representation.
- Sec. 802. Protection of witness testimony.
- Sec. 901. Funding for the Office of Citizenship.
- Sec. 902. Civics integration grant program.
- Sec. 1001. Federal reimbursement of emergency health services furnished to undocumented aliens.
- Sec. 1002. Prohibition against offset of certain Medicare and Medicaid payments.
- Sec. 1003. Prohibition against discrimination against aliens on the basis of employment in hospital-based versus nonhospital-based sites.
- Sec. 1004. Binational public health infrastructure and health insurance.
- Sec. 1101. Submission to Congress of information regarding H-5A nonimmigrants.
- Sec. 1102. H-5 nonimmigrant petitioner account.
- Sec. 1103. Anti-discrimination protections.
- Sec. 1104. Women and children at risk of harm.
- Sec. 1105. Expansion of S visa.
- Sec. 1106. Volunteers.
- Congress makes the following findings:
- (1) The Government of the United States has an obligation to its citizens to secure its borders and ensure the rule of law in its communities.
- (2) The Government of the United States must strengthen international border security efforts by dedicating adequate and significant resources for technology, personnel, and training for border region enforcement.
- (3) Federal immigration policies must adhere to the United States tradition as a nation of immigrants and reaffirm this Nation's commitment to family unity, economic opportunity, and humane treatment.
- (4) Immigrants have contributed significantly to the strength and economic prosperity of the United States and action must be taken to ensure their fair treatment by employers and protection against fraud and abuse.
- (5) Current immigration laws and the enforcement of such laws are ineffective and do not serve the people of the United States, the national security interests of the United States, or the economic prosperity of the United States.
- (6) The United States cannot effectively carry out its national security policies unless the United States identifies undocumented immigrants and encourages them to come forward and participate legally in the economy of the United States.
- (7) Illegal immigration fosters other illegal activity, including human smuggling, trafficking, and document fraud, all of which undermine the national security interests of the United States.
- (8) Illegal immigration burdens States and local communities with hundreds of millions of dollars in uncompensated expenses for law enforcement, health care, and other essential services.
- (9) Illegal immigration creates an underclass of workers who are vulnerable to fraud and exploitation.
- (10) Fixing the broken immigration system requires a comprehensive approach that provides for adequate legal channels for immigration and strong enforcement of immigration laws which will serve the economic, social, and security interests of the United States.
- (11) Foreign governments, particularly those that share an international border with the United States, must play a critical role in securing international borders and deterring illegal entry of foreign nationals into the United States.
- (12) Federal immigration policy should foster economic growth by allowing willing workers to be matched with willing employers when no United States worker is available to take a job.
- (13) Immigration reform is a key component to achieving effective enforcement and will allow for the best use of security and enforcement resources to be focused on the greatest risks.
- (14) Comprehensive immigration reform and strong enforcement of immigration laws will encourage legal immigration, deter illegal immigration, and promote the economic and national security interests of the United States.
Bill to improve health care…in Mexico!
February 6th, 2008 · 12 Comments
The health care mess in the United States is a top concern of voters. Too many Americans find that, despite their best efforts, they are unable to provide quality health care for their families. Too many Americans live in fear that an illness might leave them destitute. Too many Americans spend years sacrificing to pay skyrocketing premiums only to discover that, when the need arises, their policies offer protections that are next to worthless.
Most of us agree that it’s simply not right that so many Americans, sincerely trying their best to provide for their families, are at the mercy of a phalanx of greedy insurance companies, medical malpractice lawyers, health care corporations, and other profiteers that have used decades of influence in Washington to institutionalize their chomp hold on the public jugular.
What would Americans think, then, of a member of Congress who introduced legislation, not to improve health care in the United States, but to improve health care in Mexico?
Insane? Drunk? Unworthy of public office?
What would Americans think, then, of a bill introduced in Congress that required federal agencies to come up with a plan, not to expand health coverage in the United States, but to expand health coverage in Mexico?
Impossible? Unthinkable? Wildly irresponsible?
What would Americans think, then, of the motives of a senator, who not only introduced a bill to improve Mexico’s health care system and extend coverage to a growing population of 120 million people, but gave health insurance companies the right to help devise the plan?
Blatantly corrupt? Grossly indifferent to the well-being of the American people? Downright treasonous?
Unbelievable as it may seem, the Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act of 2005 contained a provision giving insurance companies the right to help devise a plan for extending US health care to Mexico (Sec. 1004. BINATIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH INFRASTRUCTURE AND HEALTH INSURANCE).
Even more unbelievable, the senator who sponsored the bill is not on the verge of being thrown out of office for this odious piece of legislation. No, the senator who introduced the bill, Senator John McCain of Arizona, is on the verge of locking up the Republican nomination to be our next president.
Damn! How come you didn’t know that before you voted for John McCain on Tuesday, you ask?
You’ve been watching the all-day-every-day TV news coverage of the primaries.
You’ve been reading your local newspaper’s daily coverage of the races for the parties’ nominations.
You are an above-average-informed voter.
You know that
- large majorities of young people and black people support Barack Obama,
- a majority of white women over the age of 40 support Hillary Clinton,
- a majority of Christian evangelicals support Mike Huckabee,
- John McCain’s Republican supporters are moderates,
- Barack Obama has doubled his support among southern white males since South Carolina,
- Mitt Romney has financed much of his own campaign,
- Iowa is lily-white,
- Fox News cable television didn’t have enough room in its studio to include Republican candidate Ron Paul in a debate between the Republican candidates it televised,
- Republicans hope Hillary wins,
- McCain is the only Republican who can win in November, and everyone, even Democrats, respects his history as a POW,
- Rudy Giuliani’s strategy to skip the first few primaries and focus on Florida was a bad one,
- Oprah Winfrey supports Barack Obama, and not just because he’s African-American,
- Arnold Schwarzenegger supports John McCain, but his wife supports Barack Obama,
- Robert DeNiro supports Barack Obama because Obama makes him "believe,"
- Ron Paul raised a record amount of money one day a couple of months ago,
- large majorities of Latinos support Hillary Clinton,
- Mitt Romney unhiply riffed on "Who Let the Dogs Out," and
- the top vote-getting position for an American presidential candidate this year is to be for "change."
But you didn’t know that the only clear front-runner in the race to be our next president proposed, in the last session of congress, a bi-national health care system to be devised by insurance companies. To be devised by insurance companies, for crying out loud.
Eight years of George W. Bush, Karl Rove, and the Wall Street Journal’s “GOP stalwart,” Jack Abramoff, have left the Republican Party in such a tattered mess that its future is in doubt. But (and you’ll know this if you are a well-informed voter), anti-Bush Republicans are supporting…John McCain!
I don’t know. Maybe we’re too stupid to have a democracy.
Oh, and, by the way, all you Barack Obama supporters—before you start feeling all superior: while no one can deny how exceedingly important it is to elect a president who supports change—especially one that has the ability to make Robert DeNiro believe—there may be one characteristic Senator Obama possesses even more salient, if you can imagine, than the incidental fact of his father’s skin color: Barack Obama co-sponsored John McCain’s health-care-for-Mexico legislation.