Showing posts with label Muslim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Muslim. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What will happen if Islam keeps growing?

This is Islam in all over the world (except prayer is not never leave).

Sharia Law for Non-Muslims – Chapter 1

Taken from  

Political Islam is Islam’s ideology about unbelievers, kafirs.

Sharia Law for Non-Muslims – Chapter 1

May 20, 2010
This is a chapter from an upcoming book: Sharia Law for Non-Muslims. The book was designed to be short, only 48 pages. Many people do not want to know anything about Islam, but experience shows that they may have an interest in Islamic law. Since it doesn’t make any difference which part of a rope you pick up first, Sharia law is a great way to start learning about the true nature of Islam. 

From our series “Where is Islam taking the World?” this clip answers the question: What are the consequences for the world if Islam keeps growing the way it is today?

This Land is Islam’s Land, Not Yours America (thank you Stacie)

Underpublicized threat deep in White House (since the 1950?s)

The Muslim Brotherhood in America since the 1950?s

The Muslim Brotherhood began its penetration of the United States in the 1950s. In 1953, Princeton University hosted a group of “prominent Muslims” for an “Islamic Colloquium.” Brotherhood delegates asked for and were granted a meeting with President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who agreed on the counsel of his defense and intelligence advisors, who saw it as an opportunity for the U.S. to influence the Muslim world and to use them against the Communists, who were on the ascendancy.
Muslims praying in the open air in Pittsburgh PA USA

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Thank you Jason Kenney & Canada. As Canada bans veils at citizenship oath ceremony.

French veil ban:Monday, 11 April 2011

As other European countries consider a ban on Muslim women wearing veils, would the UK consider a similar thing?
A private members bill has already been put forward calling for a ban on face covering and polls suggest most people in the UK want to follow in France’s footsteps.
But Muslim groups in the UK say what France is doing is offensive and fuelling hatred of Muslims.

Canada bans veils at citizenship oath ceremony. 12 December 2011

Canada’s government has introduced a ban on the wearing of veils while swearing the oath of citizenship.
Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Jason Kenney told a news conference in Montreal anyone wanting to become a Canadian would have to show their face.
He said citizenship judges and MPs had complained it could be hard to tell if veiled applicants were actually reciting the oath.
An estimated 940,000 Muslims live in Canada, about 2.8% of the population.
Veils and face coverings are already banned in Quebec for people receiving some government services.
Canada is considering a wider ban on veils in government offices, schools and hospitals.
Canada's Immigration Minister Jason Kenney
You should be willing to show yourself in that public act of witness” Jason KenneyMinister of Citizenship
Mr Kenney dismissed the idea that the ban could infringe the religious freedom of those taking the oath.
“This is not simply a practical measure,” the Conservative minister said on Monday.
“It is a matter of deep principle that goes to the heart of our identity and our values of openness and equality.”
He added that Canadian law took priority over religious doctrine.
“In my view Canadian law takes precedence,” he said.
“This is a public act of witness in front of your fellow citizens, in front of the law and you should be willing to show yourself in that public act of witness. I think it’s very straightforward.”
Mr Kenney also announced further language requirements for new immigrants.

The Islamic veil across Europe 22 September 2011

Countries across Europe have wrestled with the issue of the Muslim veil – in various forms such as the body-covering burka and the niqab, which covers the face apart from the eyes.
The debate takes in religious freedom, female equality, secular traditions and even fears of terrorism.
The veil issue is part of a wider debate about multiculturalism in Europe, as many politicians argue that there needs to be a greater effort to assimilate ethnic and religious minorities.

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Somali Girl gang who kicked woman in the head while yelling ‘kill the white slag’ freed after judge hears ‘they weren’t used to drinking because they’re Muslims’

A gang of Muslim women who attacked a passer-by in a city centre walked free  from court after a judge heard they were ‘not used  to being drunk’ because of their religion.
The group – three sisters and a cousin – allegedly screamed ‘kill the white slag’ as they set upon Rhea Page as she waited for a taxi with her boyfriend.
Miss Page, 22, was left with a bald patch where her hair was pulled out in the attack and was left ‘black and blue’ after suffering a flurry of kicks to the head, back, arms and legs while motionless on the pavement.
Rhea Page, 22, lost her job after being traumatised by the attack by a gang of Somalian girls
Ambaro Maxamed, 24, students Ayan Maxamed, 28, and Hibo Maxamed, 24, and their 28-year-old cousin Ifrah Nur each admitted actual bodily harm, which carries a maximum sentence of five years’ imprisonment.
But Judge Robert Brown gave them suspended jail terms after hearing mitigation that as Muslims, the women were not used to being drunk. The Koran prohibits Muslims from consuming alcohol, although Islamic teachings permit its use for medicinal purposes.

  • Yobs ripped lump of hair from Rhea Page's head during High Street attack

  • Three sisters and cousin escape with six-month suspended sentences

  • Maximum term for assault occasioning actual bodily harm is five years' jail

  • Judge: 'Those who knock someone to the floor and kick them in the head can expect to go inside, but I'm going to suspend the sentence'

  • After the sentencing, Ambaro Maxamed wrote on her Twitter account: ‘Happy happy happy!’, ‘I’m so going out’, and ‘Today has been such a great day’.

    Yesterday Miss Page, a care worker, called the sentence ‘disgusting’ and said the gang deserved ‘immediate custody’.
    ‘It’s no punishment at all,’ she said. ‘And for them to say they did it because they were not used to alcohol is no excuse. If they were not supposed to be drinking then they shouldn’t have been out in bars at that time of night.
    ‘Even after the police came and they all ran away, one of them came running back to kick me in the head one last time.
    ‘I honestly think they attacked me just because I am white. I can’t think of any other reason.’
    ‘It’s no punishment at all,’ she said. ‘And for them to say they did it because they were not used to alcohol is no excuse. If they were not supposed to be drinking then they shouldn’t have been out in bars at that time of night.
    ‘Even after the police came and they all ran away, one of them came running back to kick me in the head one last time.
    ‘I honestly think they attacked me just because I am white. I can’t think of any other reason.’MORE
    thank you Dirkster

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    Friday, November 11, 2011

    The Celebration of Sacrifice ‘Eid Al-Fitr’ for Muslims and ‘Korban’ for Jews and ‘Muslims’?

    The Celebration of Sacrifice ‘Eid Al-Fitr’ for Muslims and ‘Korban’ for Jews and ‘Muslims’?

    I've done search after search of the word 'korban' and Muslims, and truthfully didn't find a whole lot, although I found a lot about 'korban' under the Jewish religion.  After reading both they are almost identical religious practices, 'Sacrifices', as they are in the slaughter of their meats whether it is 'halal'  or 'Kosher' as I've tried to point out in another post and  I'll try to show you the similarities  in this post too.  Shera~
    The Celebration of the Sacrifice", or Eid Al-Fitr

    Eid-al-Fitr in United States

    Quick Facts

    Eid al-Fitr, which is on the first day of the Islamic month of Shawwal, marks the end of the month-long fast of Ramadan.

    Local names


    Eid-al-Fitr 2011

    Wednesday, August 31, 2011

    Eid-al-Fitr 2012

    Sunday, August 19, 2012
    Note: Regional customs or moon sightings may cause a variation of the date for Islamic holidays, which begin at sundown the day before the date specified for the holiday. The Islamic calendar is lunar and the days begin at sunset, so there may be one-day error depending on when the New Moon is first seen.
    List of dates for other years
    Many Muslims in the United States celebrate Eid al-Fitr (also known as Id al-Fitr or Eid ul-Fitr) on the first day of Shawwal in the Islamic calendar. It marks the end of the month-long fast of Ramadan and the start of a feast that lasts up to three days in some countries.

    What do people do?

    Eid al-Fitr is an important Islamic holiday that involves many Muslims waking up early and praying either at an outdoor prayer ground or a mosque. Many Muslims dress in their finest clothes and adorn their homes with lights and other decorations. Old wrongs are forgiven and money is given to the poor. Special foods are prepared and friends or relatives are invited to share the feast. Gifts and greeting cards are exchanged and children receive presents.  Eid al-Fitr is a joyous occasion but its underlying purpose is to praise God and give thanks to him, according to Islamic belief.
    Some Muslim groups in the United States campaign for schools in some parts of the country to allocate Eid al-Fitr as a day off without being penalized on Eid al-Fitr. For example, the Coalition for Muslim School Holidays, which is a group of more than 80 religious and ethnic organizations, have been lobbying to have the two Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adhadesignated as days off in New York City schools.

    Public life

    Eid al-Fitr is not a federal public holiday in the United States. However, many Islamic businesses and organizations may alter their business hours during this event. There may be some congestion around mosques around this time of the year.

    Show gratitude to Allah (SWT) through korban, Muslims told

    Wednesday, November 9, 2011
    MUSLIMS were reminded yesterday to show gratitude to Allah SWT and be considerate towards animals which have been selected for the Aidil Adha korban (sacrifice) ritual.  In a talk delivered during a korban ceremony at the Ministry of Communications, Ustaz Muskrisman Safari Hj Mustapha, an officer from Islamic Da'wah Centre, cited a firman from Allah SWT to explain that when Muslims are grateful and show this gratitude to Allah SWT, He would provide them with more rezeki (blessings).

    "And when we demonstrate kufur (disbelief), then we will discover azab (punishment)," he said.

    He added that performing the korban ritual in Islam is a sign that Muslims are using their rezeki towards the path of Allah.

    "From Surah Al-Kauthar, it was said that Allah has given Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) a number of bounties or gifts and has commanded our prophet to pray to demonstrate his gratitude," Ustaz Muskrisman Safari said.

    He also said that Allah SWT has asked us to show consideration when slaughtering animals by using sharp tools to completely cut the two main blood vessels.
    "When Allah ordered Prophet Ibrahim (as) to sacrifice his son, Prophet Ismail (as) has asked his father Nabi Ibrahim to tie his legs tightly so he would not feel pain and to use sharp, cutting instruments so he would die quickly," the ustaz said, explaining that being considerate is a feeling of empathy towards those being sacrificed.

    "Splattering the blood of the korban is also a waste because this reduces pahala (reward)," he said, "so it is better to let the blood flow continuously."

    Korban In Definition
