Showing posts with label Nathanial Bacon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nathanial Bacon. Show all posts

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Pennsylvania Judge: Muslims Allowed To Attack People For Insulting Muhammad, The Mediocre Carpenter Turned Prophet

Jonathon Turley, a law professor at George Washington University, reports on a disturbing case in which a state judge in Pennsylvania threw out an assault case involving a Muslim attacking an atheist for insulting the Prophet Muhammad.
Judge Mark Martin, an Iraq war veteran and a convert to Islam, threw the case out in what appears to be an invocation of Sharia law.
The incident occurred at the Mechanicsburg, Pa., Halloween parade where Ernie Perce, an atheist activist, marched as a zombie Muhammad. Talaag Elbayomy, a Muslim, attacked Perce, and he was arrested by police.
Judge Martin threw the case out on the grounds that Elbayomy was obligated to attack Perce because of his culture and religion. Judge Martin stated that the First Amendment of the Constitution does not permit people to provoke other people. He also called Perce, the plaintiff in the case, a “doofus.” In effect, Perce was the perpetrator of the assault, in Judge Martin’s view, and Elbayomy the innocent. The Sharia law that the Muslim attacker followed trumped the First Amendment.
Words almost fail.
The Washington Post recently reported on an appeals court decision to maintain an injunction to stop the implementation of an amendment to the Oklahoma state constitution that bans the use of Sharia law in state courts. The excuse the court gave was that there was no documented case of Sharia law being invoked in an American court. Judge Martin would seem to have provided that example, which should provide fodder for the argument as the case goes through the federal courts.
The text of the First Amendment could not be clearer. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof-” It does not say “unless somebody, especially a Muslim, is angered.” Indeed Judge Martin specifically decided to respect the establishment of a religion, in this case Islam.
That Judge Martin should be removed from the bench and severely sanctioned goes almost without saying. He clearly had no business hearing the case in the first place, since he seems to carry an emotional bias. He also needs to retake a constitutional law course. Otherwise, a real can of worms has been opened up, permitting violence against people exercising free speech.
It should be noted that another atheist, dressed as a Zombie Pope, was marching beside the Zombie Muhammad. No outraged Catholics attacked him.    SOURCE
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Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Jews Did Not Invent Our Dedication To Self-Destruction

The Jews Did Not Invent Our Dedication To Self-Destruction

People who blame everything on Jews miss a fundamental point of strategy.
When an enemy breaks through your lines into your own territory, of course you raise hell about it and call for your people to see them as enemies and insist the territory is yours. But that is not all you do.

A general who does nothing but bitch about an attack is a fool. When his line is breached, he takes a look at WHY his line broke.
No one has any use for a general who simply cries and blames the enemy for his defeat.
He looks at his line and finds why his defense didn’t WORK.

We are not innocent bystanders. We are a people which has allowed itself to be threatened with extinction. Whining about a Genius Conspiracy won’t do what a sane people, a people with guts, has to do.

An enemy will always be there, and that enemy will always exploit your weaknesses. And if all you think about is what meanies they are some enemy will very soon take you down.

They exploit our weakness to destroy us. We refuse to admit what our weaknesses ARE.
In fact, we insist that our Traditional Values are perfect. Like French generals in three consecutive and very similar defeats in 1870, 1914 and 1940, we refuse to look at the basic weaknesses in our strategy.
The fact is that a race that has built its traditional values on idealizing sterility for two thousand years is lucky to have survive this long. Christianity has become nothing but self-hatred and Judaism has become nothing but self-pity.

Nothing cold be more conservative than the “radical” bottom line that good people want us to die out.
We have a set of traditional values based on human sacrifice. Yet when the movie The Happening reached is climax with a professor literally yelling that the existence of humanity is a danger to the Planet, they thought they were being radicals.

There is nothing radical about the idea that the highest morality is to die out. Instead of good old-fashioned cutting out of hearts, we have dedicated ourselves to teaching every young and intelligent man or woman, who is especially able to read,  to lock themselves up in a place with others of their sex, join them and spent their lives talking to the ceiling and, above all, dying without children.

A completely unnoticed basis of the feeling that Nazis were evil was because they took genetics into account. The heresy of a group that advocated child-bearing, which dared even to advocate child bearing by the beautiful and the smart, hit us in a weak spot we don’t recognize.

It infuriated us. Today the mere mention of beautiful and intelligent children is immediately identified with an alien mind set.

Today there is a fury against the idea of intelligent white women having children. It is a form of enslavement, a pure evil. But that is not because of Hitler.

Naturally they USE Hitler. But that fury was here long before Hitler, before GERMANY, existed. That fury is altogether a conservative one that has been adopted by anti-whites, not one that they invented.
Judaism is not our worst enemy. What we have made of Christianity is our worst enemy. And it is not just the Catholic Church. White Protestant countries are even more sterile than Catholic ones are.
Jesus told the young man to sell all he had and give it to the poor and FOLLOW ME. But I never heard a sermon, Protestant or Catholic, that even noticed the last two words. They were all about how the young man failed to hurt himself, not about  the unique opportunity he had to follow Christ.
Peter was married, and Christ did not reject him. Christ had brothers and probably sisters, but this is treated as a shameful secret.

Until we SEE this worship of self-destruction in ourselves, our lines will continue to fall apart.
And just whining about Jews won’t fix it.