Showing posts with label az. Show all posts
Showing posts with label az. Show all posts

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sheriff Joe Arpaio: I’ll Enforce Arizona’s Immigration Law

Maricopa County, Ariz., tells Newsmax he will jail any protesters who attempt to block his jail on Thursday when provisions of his state’s tough new immigration law take effect.  Arpaio also says it’s “great” if undocumented aliens react to the new law and his strict anti-illegal immigration agenda by moving back to Mexico or to the “sanctuary state” of California, and challenges President Barack Obama to invite him to the White House for a “wine summit” to discuss illegal immigration.

Arpaio, whose county includes most of the Phoenix metropolitan area, promotes himself as “America’s toughest sheriff.” He has limited county inmates to two meals a day, banned “sexually explicit material” in prison, reinstituted chain gangs, and set up a “tent city” as an extension of the Maricopa County Jail.
On Wednesday a judge blocked the most controversial sections of Arizona’s new law and put them on hold. The law will still take effect on Thursday, but without some of the provisions that angered opponents — including sections that required officers to check a person’s immigration status while enforcing other laws.
Nevertheless there are reports that opponents of the new law plan to block Arpaio’s jail on Thursday in an act of civil disobedience. Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the controversial top cop in Maricopa County, Ariz., tells Newsmax he will jail any protesters who attempt to block his jail on Thursday when provisions of his state’s tough new immigration law take effect. Arpaio also says it’s “great” if undocumented aliens react to the new law and his strict anti-illegal immigration agenda by moving back to Mexico or to the “sanctuary state” of California, and challenges President Barack Obama to invite him to the White House for a “wine summit” to discuss illegal immigration. Arpaio, whose county includes most of the Phoenix metropolitan area, promotes himself as “America’s toughest sheriff.” He has limited county inmates to two meals a day, banned “sexually explicit material” in prison, reinstituted chain gangs, and set up a “tent city” as an extension of the Maricopa County Jail.

On Wednesday a judge blocked the most controversial sections of Arizona's new law and put them on hold. The law will still take effect on Thursday, but without some of the provisions that angered opponents — including sections that required officers to check a person's immigration status while enforcing other laws.

Nevertheless there are reports that opponents of the new law plan to block Arpaio’s jail on Thursday in an act of civil disobedience.

“There’s a rumor that they’re going to block our jails down the street,” Arpaio says in an exclusive Newsmax interview.

“You know what? They’re not going to block our jails. They’re going into the jail if they block our jail. I’m not going to succumb to these demonstrators keeping law enforcement from booking people in our jail. So we may have to take some action.”

Arpaio also vows to conduct a “crime suppression operation” on Thursday.

“This morning we raided another business and arrested five more illegal aliens with false identification. On Thursday we’re going to do our 17th crime suppression operation and go out with our volunteer posse and deputy sheriffs and catch criminals. We’ve done 16. Just by chance about two-thirds [of those arrested] happen to be here illegally. More Newsmax

Friday, April 30, 2010

Butler County, Sheriff Jones To Spearhead AZ Type Bill In Ohio

Sheriff Richard K. Jones announced Thursday, April 29, he will spearhead efforts to have a statewide “citizens initiative” placed on the ballot for Ohio immigration reform.
Fearing recent letters he sent jointly with state Rep. Courtney Combs, R-Hamilton, to Ohio leaders won’t be enough to get immigration reform on the “fast track” for Ohio, Jones said he wants the voters to decide the issue in November.
“Our federal government has let us down on immigration reform,” Jones said in a prepared statement. “I’m afraid our state legislature may not want to act on it either … If the majority of voters in Ohio want it done, it’s probably going to have to be their initiative to be the driving force.”
“If the governor doesn’t want to stand up to illegal immigrants and the drug trafficking coming out of Mexico, then we’ll take it to the people,” Combs said.
The issue concerns many of Butler County’s estimated 363,184 Hispanics. That number is up 9.2 percent since 2000, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.More

Sheriff Richard K Jones and Rep. Combs may be written to:
Sheriff R K Jones
705 Hanover Street
Hamilton OH 4 5 0 1 1

Courtney Eric Combs,
State Representative (R) of the 54 District
77 S. High St
10th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-6111

'You do not have to be a citizen of Ohio or Butler County to do this.
Praise and thank your friends, while ignoring your enemies and no “Keystone Cops” alphabet-soup federal agency will visit you.
Keep it short and simple. You do not have to be Shakespeare or Hemmingway. Misspellings are okay. Mispellings show the letter comes from real people.' a244