Information provided by MRSA Survivors Network - Published: 2011-03-08MRSA Released Into the World Fifty Years Ago – The ongoing MRSA epidemic continues to be a major global threat and MRSA was first discovered fifty years ago this year by the late professor Patricia Jevons of the U.K. in 1961.World super germ ‘born in Guildford’
12:01AM BST 26 Aug 2001
Citation: Disabled World News (2011-03-08) – MRSA was first discovered fifty years ago this year by the late professor Patricia Jevons of the U.K. in 1961:
(Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus)
On The Brink Of A Genetically Engineered Disaster
(Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus)
On The Brink Of A Genetically Engineered Disaster
By Robert Cohen
The final piece of the jigsaw puzzle has just fit perfectly into place. Click.
Monsanto dumped their genetically engineered versions of four newly-created species of bacteria into European sewer systems. What arrogance. What a complete disregard for human kind. They gave birth to and then released their monster onto this world. First Europe. Now, America. A newly-published study confirms the European beginning of America’s growing MRSA epidemic.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has published the shocking results of an investigation suggesting that the MRSA infections now sickening and killing Americans began in Europe, just as I predicted many years ago.
On February 4th, 2004, after waiting seven weeks for a response to my emergency Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that was filed in December of 2003, I reported in a notmilk letter:
“Americans are walking along the cutting edge blade of an environmental apocalypse. Previously un-released FDA insider investigations revealed that Monsanto dumped their GMO mistake into sewer systems. That ‘sludge’ may very well have contained the untreatable version of Staphylococcus which is now killing Americans.”
It has been well reported that a new emerging species of bacteria has developed, immune to antibiotic treatment. Staphylococcus aureus plagues many American hospitals in this new outbreak. Could the etiology of the mother of all deadly Staphylococcus infections be traced to a new genetically engineered version of Staph aureus, a super bug accidentally produced by Monsanto and then introduced into the food supply?
The December 7, 2007 CDC study reveals:
“After multivariate analysis, contact with pigs and cattle were the only 2 significant independent variables…we conclude that this new MRSA strain is of animal origin (pigs and probably cows). We assume that this problem is not limited to the Netherlands.”
The new study:
“This development of drug resistance scares the hell out of me,” says Kellogg Schwab.
New Strain of MRSA Discovered: Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria Found in Both Humans and Dairy Cows ScienceDaily (June 3, 2011)
— Scientists have identified a new strain of methicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus (MRSA) which occurs both in human and dairy cow populations.
The study, led by Dr Mark Holmes at the University of Cambridge, identified the new strain in milk from dairy cows while researching mastitis (a bacterial infection which occurs in the cows’ udders).
The new strain’s genetic makeup differs greatly from previous strains, which means that the ‘gold standard’ molecular tests currently used to identify MRSA — a polymerase chain reaction technique (PCR) and slide agglutination testing — do not detect this new strain. The research findings are published in the journal TheLancet Infectious Diseases.
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