Illegal Immigrants Returning to Mexico in Record Numbers
DALLAS — Illegal immigrants are returning home to Mexico in numbers not seen for decades — and the Mexican government may have to deal with a crush on its social services and lower wages once the immigrants arrive.The Mexican Consulate’s office in Dallas is seeing increasing numbers of Mexican nationals requesting paperwork to go home for good, especially parents who want to know what documentation they’ll need to enroll their children in Mexican schools. “Those numbers have increased percentage-wise tremendously,” said Enrique Hubbard, the Mexican consul general in Dallas. “In fact, it’s almost 100 percent more this year than it was the previous two years.”MORE

Hispanics flee Arizona ahead of immigration law 06/08/2010
’s tough new
immigration enforcement law is fueling an exodus of Hispanics from the
state seven weeks before it goes into effect, according to officials and
residents in the state.
Though no one has precise estimates, reports from school officials,
businesses and individuals indicate worried Hispanics — both legal and
illegal — are leaving the state in anticipation of the law, which will
go into effect July 29.
Schools in Hispanic areas report unusual drops in enrollment. The Balsz Elementary School District is 75% Hispanic, and within a month of the law’s passage, the parents of 70 students pulled them out of school, said District Superintendent Jeffrey Smith. The district lost seven students over the same one-month period last year, and parents tell Smith the Arizona law is the reason for leaving.
“They’re leaving to another state where they feel more welcome,” he said.
The measure, signed into law April 23 by Republican

About 100,000 illegal immigrants left Arizona after the state passed a law in 2007 that enhanced penalties on businesses that hired them, more