Showing posts with label WOW SomaliCANS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WOW SomaliCANS. Show all posts

Sunday, April 13, 2014

WOW! SomaliCANS!?! First The Somali Flag Over The Ohio State House and now July 1, 2014 The First Ever "Somali American day" in Minneapolis

The Somali Community is a Promising Economic Powerhouse In Ohio Source: SomaliCAN Outreach Newsletter, August 2009 Issue  On July 1, 2009, the Governor of the State of Ohio, and members of the House, in recognition of the contributions of the Somali community to the state, honored the Independence Day of Somalia by raising the Somali flag at the Ohio State House along with the US and Ohio State flags. This was a welcome gesture from legislators and the state leadership for the enterprising Somali community, the newest Americans in Ohio.  There are more than 45,000 Somali Americans in Central Ohio according to the Somali Community Access Network, a community based nonprofit that provides services and resources to the Somali community in Ohio. The majority of these Somali Americans live in Franklin County which includes the City of Columbus.  The State of Ohio has the second largest Somali population in the US after Minnesota. However, Columbus has the largest concentration of Somalis in any US city. Somalis started coming to Columbus in the early 1990s after the central government in Somalia was overthrown by armed warlords who led the country into chaos. Since then, Columbus became a favorite destination for Somalis from Africa as well as secondary immigrants from other states. 
The Somali community is a powerhouse in regards to its economic impact of the 
Midwest. The economic and political clout that the community wields is expected to 
increase in the next decade. It is the community to watch as it transitions from seeking 
help to giving hope and help to millions of Americans. 

WOW, if they are bringing so much business to the City of Columbus, then why is the North End of Columbus looking more like a war zone day by day, when it used to be a thriving area as far as shopping, resturants, etc.  Funny all I've seen with the closing of Northland Mall, Building of Easton, and Polaris in a totally different county and then to find this!  WHAT?  Since  SomaliCANS  have been here in Columbus-Central Ohio; are businesses that have been here before I was born closed down, it looks more like I said a war zone, ghost town.   

Just saying~

The newly elected Minneapolis City Council member, Abdi Warsame, has been a busy guy lately.  On Friday he presented a resolution to the city council to proclaim July 1 'Somali American Day' to celebrate the African country's independence from Italy and the UK.   (And we all know how well that worked out!).  Then he lead a protest against Kenya.

Somalicurrent – The Minneapolis City Council votedFriday to mark July 1 as “Somali American day” in the city, which is home to many immigrants from the east African country.
The date holds significance among Somalis, who celebrate independence day on July 1 both in Somalia and the United States diaspora.
Abdi Warsame, the first Somali-American on the Minneapolis City Council, praised the resolution at a council meeting on Friday
. A gathering of Somali-American men were in attendance.

“This is a very important resolution for me,” Warsame said. “And it actually came from the elders and the community leaders who wanted to highlight the contributions, the culture, the values of the Somali-American community, which is a large and growing population in the city of Minneapolis.”
The July 1 independence day commemorates when the Somali Republic was created by uniting two territories previously controlled by Italy and Britain.
Minneapolis Somalis protest against Kenya!   MORE
MN Governor Mark Dayton congratulates Abdi Warsame.