Libeskind’s design features a shattered Star of David symbolizing 6 million Jewish victims and a stone inscription recognizing “millions more, including prisoners of war, racial and ethnic minorities, freemasons, homosexuals, the mentally ill, the developmentally disabled and political dissidents who suffered under Nazi Germany.”
The warning at the ceremony came from Deborah Lipstadt, a professor at Emory University who has spent the past few years speaking out against “Holocaust deniers” who either insist the Holocaust did not happen, or argue it was greatly exaggerated.
She cited an example just last month in which a middle-schoolers in a Southern California district were asked to write a paper explaining if they believed the Holocaust was historical fact or was made up to stir public sympathy and reap financial gain. After massive opposition, the project was scuttled.
“The teachers were not insensitive; they were wrong,” Lipstadt said. “This is not a sensitivity case; it’s history.”
She called the memorial a “way station in a process of changing ‘never again’ to a reality...You should not, you cannot stop,” she urged the audience.
Leslie H. Wexner, founder of L Brands, quoted Irish philosopher Edmund Burke, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Clearly the governor, by recognizing the significance of the Holocaust, has done something,” Wexner said.
The Ohio Bicentennial bell was tolled 12 times for the 12 million killed, followed by a moment of silence and a candle-lighting ceremony. >>more<<
Hitler's Christianity To deny the influence of Christianity on Hitler and its role in World War II, means that you must ignore history and forever bar yourself from understanding the source of German anti-Semitism and how the WWII atrocities occurred. By using historical evidence of Hitler's and his henchmen's own words, this section aims to show how mixing religion with politics can cause conflicts, not only against religion but against government and its people. This site, in no way, condones Nazism, Neo-Nazism, fascist governments, or anti-Semitism, but instead, warns against them.