Showing posts with label USDA behind major black bird and bird kills. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USDA behind major black bird and bird kills. Show all posts

Thursday, May 29, 2014

USDA Admits to being behind the Mysterious Slaughter of Millions of Birds and Animals | Conspiracy Watch

 Rob  Thank you so much for this! Why does this not surprise me in the least, but instead they wanted to blame it on Fireworks and I can't believe the idiots that actually bought that lame excuse

USDA Admits to being behind the Mysterious Slaughter of Millions of Birds and Animals | Conspiracy Watch

  1. Starlicide
    Chemical Compound
  2. Starlicide or gull toxicant is a chemical avicide that is highly toxic to European starlings and gulls, but less toxic to other birds or to mammals such as humans and pets. Wikipedia
  3. Density1.17 g/cm³

Remember the mysterious deaths of millions of birds a while back? Everyone was wondering, what was causing the sudden death of all these birds?

There had been all kind of conspiracy theories surrounding the death of all those birds. Everything from the environment was killing them to bird-suicide. Well, some of you may have heard that the mystery has been solved. The USDA has admitted to being behind these mysterious bird deaths.  Yes, the United States Department of Agriculture has publicly admitted being responsible for the mass poisoning of tens of millions of birds over the last several years. However, there is more to this story than meets the eye!

Indeed, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has publicly admitted it is responsible for the mass poisoning of tens of millions of birds over the last several years. It’s all part of the USDA’s program called “Bye Bye Blackbird,” and we even have the USDA’s spreadsheet where they document how many millions of birds (and other animals) they’ve poisoned to death.
After hundreds of starlings were found dead in the Yankton Riverside Park, concerned citizens began investigating. After a while, a USDA official called the local police and admitted they had poisoned the birds.
“They say that they had poisoned the birds about ten miles south of Yankton and they were surprised they came to Yankton like they did and died in our park,” says Yankton Animal Control Officer Lisa Brasel.
The USDA then confirmed the story and explained it was all “part of a large killing” in Nebraska. Some of the birds that ate the poison apparently flew all the way to Yankton before succumbing to the poison.
So why was the USDA poisoning birds in the first place? What’s was the purpose of killing the animals? There were too many of them. A Nebraska farmer was apparently complaining that the starlings were defecating in his feed meal. The answer to this conundrum apparently isn’t to cover your feed meal but rather call the USDA and ask them to poison thousands of birds.
The USDA complied, apparently agreeing this was a brilliant idea. So they put out a poison called DRC-1339 and allowed thousands of birds to feed on that poison.  Carol Bannerman from USDA Wildlife Services ridiculously claimed the bird kill was also to protect “human health.”
Avitrol (4-aminopyridine)Avitrol, manufactured and marketed by Avitrol Corp, Tulsa, OK, is an avian toxicant used as a chemical frightening agent in pigeons, starlings, blackbirds, sparrows, crows and house sparrows.  The active ingredient, 4-aminopyridine, is an acute oral toxicant, which acts on the central and motor nervous system.  The product is registered as a restricted-use pesticide by EPA and approved for use in all states, although only through licensed pest control operators. 

Avitrol is toxic to all vertebrate species, not just birds.  Its action on the motor nervous system usually causes behaviors characteristic of an epileptic seizure or convulsion.  Birds eating treated bait will be affected in a manner that, varying by species, will artificially cause them to emit distress and alarm cries and visual displays used by their species when they are frightened or injured.  This may include flying erratically, vocalizing, trembling, dilation of the pupils and other symptoms consistent with the loss of motor control.  This behavior can frighten the flock and cause it to leave the site. 

In laboratory testing, if the dose is lethal, death will usually occur within an hour following administration.  If the dose is sub-lethal, there will be a recovery period which may be as short as 4 to 5 hours.  Surviving birds typically have no lasting effects from 4-aminopyridine.  An alternative to Avitrol poisoning is a contraceptive program to control reproduction.  OvoControl P can manage pigeons in a safe and humane manner without the risk of dead or dying birds.  The number of birds in treated flocks declines through attrition.  MORE AT SOURCE