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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Justice League Beyond 2.0 #12 - Jan. 2014

Comics Weekend "System Override Part 4" by Christos Gage, Iban Coello, and Rob Lean.

Over on the digital front, DC has been publishing Justice League Beyond 2.0, featuring Batman Beyond-era adventures of the Justice League, of which Aquagirl, daughter of Aquaman, is a member.

The ongoing story involves the JL's fight against Brainiac, who is (of course), trying to take over the world. In this issue, #12, the members reach out to help, which includes a certain Sea King:
Aquaman doesn't appear again in the issue, but it's still great to see him (and Mera!) show up and help their daughter kick some android butt. More, please!

(h/t: F.O.A.M.er Jeff Petersen)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to Aquagirl's brother?