This is the last of four t-shirt transfers starring Aquaman from a book of them featuring all different members of the DCU(read: Batman, Superman, and Everyone Else--the others were posted here,here and here!)
I like this one the most since Aquaman is saving a finny friend from some bad guy's harpoon. Since most kids have an instinctual affection for animals(except for little Mikey Vick), I think this is a great image to use for a kid's t-shirt transfer. Who knows? Maybe it'll inspire some kid to be a marine biologist or something...
This is another one of the transfers I found in a book of 'em starring DC characters(read: Batman and Other Heroes), where the artists are obviously trying to somewhat replicate the TAS style.
Aquaman got four transfers out of a book of almost two-hundred(*sigh*--I guess I should be happy; the Atom got exactly one). The nicest thing about these is some of them feature Aquaman cavorting with his finny friends, which is a nice, friendly view of Aquaman, as opposed to him grimacing and looking like he wants to kill someone. Since these are obviously meant for kids, that's a good Aquaman for them to encounter for the first time.
This is another of the Aquaman transfers from a 1996 book. Aquaman only got a couple of pages out of over two-hundred; oh well.
Even with Aquaman in his BLL, I do like pieces like this one where he's depicted working alongside the powerful creatures of the deep. When you think about it, someone with the ability to command a whale is no one to mess with.
Plus, it's such a cute whale. Look how happy he looks to be with Aquaman!
I found a giant book of DC Comics character transfers on ebay, and the seller mentioned Aquaman being contained in the book. Having been burned by such descriptions before, I was a little hesitant to buy this, but the price was very low so I figured I'd take the risk.
Indeed, this book did feature Aquaman on some of the transfers, even if he is in his BLL. The book is over two hundred pages long and more than half of that is devoted to Batman: The Animated Series art, but near the end of the book some of the other DC heroes are featured, like Hawkman, Atom, and the Kyle Rainer Green Lantern.
This is the only color transfer of the bunch; the art is not credited to anyone but it's obviously an approximation of the B:TAS style that was so hot at the time. The other black and white ones will surface sometime down the line...
Ok, so it's not a tattoo but it's the closest I'll probably ever get. This is an iron-on transfer--perfect for begging your Mom to put this on a t-shirt, then having it flake off after two washings.
Features classic Aquaman stock art, but with the inklines done a tad thicker, presumably so the image would hold up after being ironed on fabric. I like how it makes Aquaman look like he has a big mop o' 70's hair.