"World's Most Dangerous" by Geoff Johns and David Finch
The Justice League has been somewhat of a mixed bag in the New 52. The
original title, although clearly a top-seller with marquee names Johns and Lee at the helm, started off with a six issue written-for-trade
origin story and then floundered in terms of story, art and
direction until the recent advent of Throne of Atlantis in #15. JLA #1 picks up in the
aftermath of the destruction wrought by Aquaman's brother Ocean Master, with Amanda Waller and Nick Fu--I mean, Steve Trevor forming
a reluctant alliance to put together a team of counter-operatives for
y'know, just in case the real League ever goes bad...
Waller is as now svelte as Trevor is buff and the issue progresses with some very interesting choices for the initial membership of the team including...
Martian Manhunter and a few others...
(handy-dandy guide to the eventual JL vs. JLA smackdown)
Its a motley crew of characters cherry-picked by Johns (Stargirl, Simon Baz) and Dan Didio (Katana) as well as a hodge-podge of under-performing DC solo title stars whose own books are in desperate need of a sales pick-me-up (Catwoman, Green Arrow, Martian Manhunter--plucked as if he was never there from Stormwatch and Hawkman -- oh wait, too late--RIP Savage Hawktitle). Vibe is a wild card in the bunch and for more on Cisco (wait, wasn't it Paco?) Ramon you can check out Vibe #1, also out this week.
Suffice to say, this issue is all set up, the team never actually meets and we're teased with the sub-plot of the Secret Society of Super-Villians reforming under new and mysterious leadership but all-in-all the book moves light years faster than its counterpart title did in its inaugural issue. JLA #1 has a flair reminiscent of Johns' acclaimed Justice Society of America run and while the book is not without potential, I remain skeptical of the need to have two League titles by the same writer.