This is a Dolphin Pog.
I tried really, really hard to come up with anything else to say about this, but I failed. Please forgive me.
Moments Later Update: I was going to subtitle this post "Brevity Is The Soul Of Wit", because I thought it was funny that it was short. Usually, of course, I can on and on about even the tiniest piece of Aquaman minutiae.
But as soon as I posted this, it didn't seem as funny to me as when I first wrote it, so to fill out the post a bit here are two gorgeous pieces of art featuring DC's underwater lady of mystery--first, her Showcase cover by Jay Scott Pike, and then her Who's Who entry by the late great Dave Stevens:
...whoever at DC had the idea to hire Stevens to draw this, I hope they got a free lunch out of it, or one of those "Grape Job!" stickers at the very least.