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Showing posts with label clothes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clothes. Show all posts

Monday, July 11, 2016

Training T-Shirt

My pal, F.O.A.M. member, and author Steve Spatucci found this insulting t-shirt design available for sale...in Ocean City, NJ no less! I guess we can appreciate the Sea King being mentioned at all, but still.

Thanks(?) Steve!

Friday, April 29, 2016

Aquaman and Wonder Woman Socks

The perfect gift for the cool couple in your life, Wonder Woman and Aquaman socks! (Just don't tell Mera)

(h/t: F.O.A.M.er Jim McHugh)

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Aqua-Scarves by Helena Petersen

Check out these nifty custom-made Aqua-Scarves, perfect for these cold winter months!

Pictured are Conor and Rick Petersen, sons of F.O.A.M.er Jeff Petersen and his wife Helena, who made these scarves. Aquaman is a pretty big deal around the Petersen household when it's birthday time, and this year was no exception!

Jeff asked me if these scarves meant Helena could enter "the hallowed halls of F.O.A.M.", and the answer is, of course, yes! Thanks for the pics guys, and Helena welcome to F.O.A.M.!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Aquaman Underoos

By popular demand, Underoos are back baby, in "adult" sizes! Festooned with glorious JLGL (PBHN) art on the package, you now can go to sleep dressed just like Aquaman is in the comics--everyone recognizes that big black A he's had over his heart lo the past seven decades! I'm kidding of course, but given Aquaman's current costume, there is a certain amount of resemblance seen here. *Ahem*

Head over to Underoos.com to see all the new sizes and characters available!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Super Powers T-Shirt

Here's a new t-shirt available in stores--the Super Power Sausage Party!

What the heck is with whoever put this together? Would Wonder Woman on this thing really have been so bad? Are people really clamoring for 70s-era General Zod on their shirts?!? At least Aquaman gets the front row, but still--where are the chicks?

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Aquaman Lingerie

Spice up your love life with this line of Aquaman underwear and lingerie! Speaking for myself, I'd really like to see Mera on here somewhere...
(h/t: F.O.A.M.er Kyall Coulton)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Periodic Table of Superheroes T-Shirt

F.O.A.M.er Shawn Brock was nice enough to send in pics of this new t-shirt, featuring the all-stars (plus Red Tornado) of the DCU as they are arranged on the Periodic Table, which all of us were taught, and then promptly forgot, in high school.

Not only does Aquaman show up, but along for the ride are Mera and Aqualad! Black Manta does not, unfortunately, in favor of a preponderance of Batman and Superman baddies. And using Jose Luis Garcia Lopez art is always a surefire path to Win.

Thanks Shawn!


Thursday, February 07, 2013

New 52 Aquaman T-Shirt

This spiffy, New 52-style Aquaman t-shirt is available over on SuperheroStuff.com--it's got a real Underoos vibe to it, which is cool. Get one for the Aqua-fan in your life! (Trident not included)

(h/t: F.O.A.M.er Carl Stresing)


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Aquaman Pokemon T-Shirt

F.O.A.M.er Nick Farrell sent the Shrine a link to this fun t-shirt featuring Aquaman and...MagiKarp. So what's a MagiKarp?

According to Nick, it's a character from Pokemon. Not being at all familiar with that world, this is news to me. Luckily, the shirt works by itself even if (like me) you don't know that the fish is supposed to be someone in particular. To me, it just looks like Aquaman is hugging a fish, which is totally something he'd do.

Nick said he ordered a shirt, so let's hope pics are forthcoming. Thanks Nick!

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Converse All-Star Aquaman Sneakers in Action!

Here's F.O.A.M.er Barry Fackler rocking a pair of Converse All-Star Aquaman shoes, which he first learned about on the Shrine just last week!

I got these photos from Barry on Saturday October 27th. If you do the math (which was hard for me), Barry saw the shoes on the 23rd, ordered them, and they made it all the way to Hawaii in just four days! Great Neptune that is great service! Did Aquaman deliver them himself?!?

Barry says the shoes "Look awesome and are quite comfortable", and he's "The first kid on the island to get these." I'm sure he won't be the last. Thanks for the pics Barry!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Converse All-Star Aquaman Sneakers

A bunch of F.O.A.M.ers sent in emails about this new Aqua-product, Aquaman Sneakers by Converse!

Covered in orange and green and Aquaman stock art, these sure are handsome, and probably would make quite a splash (sorry) on the basketball court. These are part of a whole line of DCU sneakers by Converse, which you can in men's and women's sizes. Not a fan of Aquaman (for shame)? You can also get Joker, Two-Face, Flash, Superman, Batman, Batgirl, Harley Quinn, Riddler, Bane, and Wonder Woman styles!

Anybody get these yet? I haven't, but they'd probably go smashing with my Aquaman letterman jacket.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Underpants Ahoy!

My Fire and Water Podcast co-host The Irredeemable Shag spied this set of children's underwear on sale (at an unspecified department store just a few miles away from stately Shag Manor), part of the DC Super Friends merchandising juggernaut. As you can see, Aquaman may not be represented on the tag, but he's there where it counts--on the product itself!

Sadly, that situation is reversed with this pair of Batman: Brave and the Bold briefs:
Here, Aquaman is pictured on the, er, package (along with some of the other B:BATB quasi-regulars), but on the product itself it's nothing but Batman. Oh well, can't win 'em all.

Thanks Shag!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Super Powers T-Shirt

When people ask me why I have such a grudge against Shazam!, I can point to stuff like this as Exhibit A.

Someone had to go out of their way to take Aquaman off of this, because he is on the original piece (which comes from a JLA Treasury Edition), a decision that Make Rob Angry, Make Rob Want To Smash.*

If I wanted to really petty, I could point out that Aquaman is starring in a top-selling book, while Captain Mar--oh, excuse me, it's Shazam! from now on--is still nowhere to be seen in the New 52. I think, sometimes, it's like you want to fail!

(h/t: F.O.A.M.er Jason Motes Bowles)

*Shrine Correspondent Russell Burbage pointed out to me that Captain Marvel is actually on the original illustration, which appeared in the 1975 DC Comics Calendar. It was Aquaman who was added when the piece was re-used for the JLA treasury book. So, to be fair, I guess my outrage should be watered down a bit. And yet it isn't.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Aquaman T-Shirt

Newest F.O.A.M. member Simone Mularkey sent in this Aquaman t-shirt, featuring a classic pose drawn by...I'm not sure. It looks a bit Jerry Ordway to me, but I also see some Ty Templeton in there. Anyone have the answer?

In any case, a handsome shirt! Thanks Simone, and welcome to F.O.A.M.!

Monday, November 14, 2011

My Morning Aqua-Jacket

Behold...the coolest jacket since Season Two of Happy Days!

This completely awesome, custom-made Aquaman jacket was sent to me by F.O.A.M. member Ray DeForest.
A couple weeks previous, Ray asked me for a high-res version of the Aquaman 70th Birthday "bug" I made up. I wondered why he needed it, and he told me he was working on a special project. I love a mystery!

Anyway, when I met up with Ray at the NYCC, Ray handed me a patch made of that logo, which I thought was indescribably cool--I loved seeing something I created turned into a physical object! Ray was still cagey about what the patch was for, exactly, but I didn't press because I didn't want to spoil whatever bigger surprise he had planned.

Then a week or so later, a giant box arrived at Shrine Central. I opened it, and was completely floored at what was inside--the most awesomest jacket I've ever seen. From the giant "A" insignia to the sleeve patches to the logo on the back, this baby is about the greatest thing a die-hard Aquaman could wear. It even has an inside pocket to store your favorite Aquaman action figure!

Thank you so much Ray, it's completely amazing gift and I love it!
(Photos taken at, and courtesy of, All Things Fun of Berlin, NJ)

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Brave and the Bold Aquaman T-Shirt

Yesterday we talked with Brave and the Bold Producer Michael Jelenic, and he mentioned Aquaman being consciously included in the merchandising campaign that went along with the show.

Well, here's another fine example of that, an Aquaman shirt--emblazoned with an all-original, yet-still-in-character catch phrase--sent in by F.O.A.M.er Mac Schafer! Thanks Mac!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Underoos Commercial - 1978

This is a still from a 1978 Underoos commercial, which features various DC and Marvel heroes leaping into the bedrooms of little kids in their underwear. Holy Amber Alert!

For whatever reason, the video on YouTube is not embeddable (boo!), so click the image (or here) to see the whole spot, which is utterly delightful in its un-ironicness. Plus, its got Aquaman featured prominently, without so much as a mention of TV stars like Batman and the Hulk--pretty darn rare!

(h/t: F.O.A.M.er Kyall Coulton)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Aqua T-Shirts, Parts 11 and 12

These are the last two Aquaman t-shirts from the seemingly-endless collection of F.O.A.M.er extraordinaire Russell Burbage. I thought they should go together, since they use the same iconic pose for both shirts.

Of all the hundreds (thousands?) of official and bootleg Aquaman t-shirts I've seen, I think the solo one at the very top might rank as the one I've seen the most; I think there's a simplicity to it that really rings the bell for Aquaman fans.

Thanks to Russell for sending in all the shirt pics; sorry it took several years to get to them all!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Super Friends Chibi T-Shirt

I saw this adorable Super Friends tee done in Chibi style (sorry if I am using that term incorrectly) on Facebook and I loved it. Look how cute they all are! And is it just me, or is Aquaman the cutest of the bunch?

Super Friends Chibi plush toys,

Friday, June 03, 2011

Aqua T-Shirts, Part 10

Yet another Aquaman t-shirt from the seemingly-endless collection of F.O.A.M.er extraordinaire Russell Burbage, and another one using artwork of the master, Jose Luis Garcia Lopez, portraying all the major stars of the DCU in their most iconic forms.

Save for a couple of the female heroes, this is pretty much the Super Powers line on a t-shirt: other than that awesome toy collection, you really didn't see Dr. Fate, red Tornado, or the Martian Manhunter on hardly any merchandise.

hanks Russell!