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Showing posts with label dolphin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dolphin. Show all posts

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Who's Who: Dolphin

After recording the latest episode of our Who's Who: The Definitive Podcast of the DC Universe, it occurred to me that, in all the years the Shrine has been running, we've never devoted a post to this *gorgeous* Dolphin entry by the late, great Dave Stevens!

This was the kind of entry that really made Who's Who something special: using an artist you rarely, if ever, saw in a DC comic, paired with an obscure character, making them seem about the coolest thing ever. This one meets both that criteria.

Of course, Dolphin wasn't introduced or used as an Aquaman supporting character, but over the years she's been drafted into the Aqua-Universe, having had relationships with both Aquaman and Aqualad, and showing up alongside the former in Kingdom Come.

If you want to see a bigger scan of this and other Who's Who pages, check out the Fire and Water Podcast tumblr!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

AquaSketch #4 by Neil Vokes - 2009

Its that time of year again--just minutes ago I got back from the annual Midnight Madness sale at my LCS All Things Fun, and once again I got a superb, killer sketch by artist Neil Vokes. I held off today's post so I could put this up within a few hours of getting it.

Having previously done sketches of Aquaman, Mera, and Black Manta for me, I decided to give Neil his choice of AquaFamily member to illustrate, from a list consisting of Aqualad, Aquagirl, and Dolphin. He chose Dolphin, and as you can see he knocked it out of the park--again! I love Neil's combo of thin, sharp ink lines and soft wash tones (which this scan doesn't do full justice to)--its creates a really distinctive look, cartoony yet real.

Ed and Dee Evans of ATF have really created something special--at All Things Fun in general, but at their yearly Midnight Madness sale in specific. Not being a Christmassy kind of guy, I kind of grumble and hunker down through the holiday season, eagerly anticipating the new year and the eventual start of Spring.

But these yearly Xmas sales events are always a blast, and its great that Neil (and others) make the effort to show up every year. Its probably my favorite event of the season, so thanks to Ed, Dee, and Neil!

Related posts:
Aquaman by Neil Vokes
Mera by Neil Vokes
Black Manta by Neil Vokes

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Dolphin Pog - 2008

sgThis is a Dolphin Pog.

I tried really, really hard to come up with anything else to say about this, but I failed. Please forgive me.

Moments Later Update
: I was going to subtitle this post "Brevity Is The Soul Of Wit", because I thought it was funny that it was short. Usually, of course, I can on and on about even the tiniest piece of Aquaman minutiae.

But as soon as I posted this, it didn't seem as funny to me as when I first wrote it, so to fill out the post a bit here are two gorgeous pieces of art featuring DC's underwater lady of mystery--first, her Showcase cover by Jay Scott Pike, and then her Who's Who entry by the late great Dave Stevens:
...whoever at DC had the idea to hire Stevens to draw this, I hope they got a free lunch out of it, or one of those "Grape Job!" stickers at the very least.