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Showing posts with label tattoos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tattoos. Show all posts

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Aquaman Super Friends Tattoo

This drumstick with bonus Super Friends/Alex Toth Aquaman tattoo belongs to our newest F.O.A.M.er, Eric Lindquist! Now that's a fan!

Thanks for the pic Eric, and welcome to F.O.A.M.!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Mera Tattoo

Another item stolen borrowed from Ivan Reis' Facebook page, this is the mark (literally) of one big Mera fan!

The tattoo artist did a really nice job replicating Reis art (from which the tattoo is based), and the colors are spot on. Good thing, too--if you're gonna get a neck tattoo, it better be damn good.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Aquaman Super Powers Tattoo

Back in 2010, newest F.O.A.M. member Rob Brown sent in pics of an Aquaman tattoo he got based on a classic piece of stock art by Dick Giordano. Now Rob is at it again, with this new tattoo, based on the 1984 Super Powers action figure! And like the figure, Rob will kick his legs if you squeeze his arms.

Outrageous, thanks Rob!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Black Manta Tattoo

Newest F.O.A.M. member Brian Goldberg sent in this pic of his Black Manta tattoo, based of course the classic Alex Toth model designs for Challenge of the Super Friends.

I have to say, the small scar just to the left of Manta really adds some verisimilitude, don't you think? Too bad(?) it won't last...

Nice job, Brian, and welcome to F.O.A.M.!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Aquaman Tattoo

This Aquaman tattoo belongs to our newest F.O.A.M. member David Beavers!

Based on a panel from Aquaman: Time and Tide #1, this is quite an impressive tribute to the Sea King, and a testament to David's love of the character.

Thanks David, and welcome to F.O.A.M.!

Monday, February 07, 2011

Brave and the Bold Tattoos

F.O.A.M.er Shag Matthews was kind enough to send in this package of Brave and the Bold temporary tattoos. Like with all the B&B merch, Aquaman is featured prominently throughout:
(Aquaman riding a giant, man-eating shark as if its a bucking bronco. Tell me, again, why the Sea King is considered such a joke?)
I love the little custom emblems made up for some of the characters, like Despero and Firestorm. Really slick looking. Not to mention that, if you wanted to, you could have a B'wana Beast tattoo. A B'wana Beast tattoo.

These are...well, you know. Thanks Shag!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Aquaman Tattoo

This way cool, uniquely stylized Aquaman tattoo belongs to our newest F.O.A.M. member, Rob Brown!

Rob got the tattoo on his left thigh, which goes nicely along with a similarly-styled mermaid tattoo on his right thigh:
Rob also mentions that he's the Life Sciences Manager at the Golden Nugget Casino in Las Vegas, where part of his work is taking care of the aquariums there, which include a 200,000 gallon shark tank and a 75,000 gallon fish tank.

Which means, in Rob's own words, he
"talks to fish, every day--just like Aquaman." Outrageous!

Great tattoos, Rob--thanks for sending and welcome to F.O.A.M.!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tattoo Tuesday II

It's Tattoo Tuesday again here at the Aquaman Shrine!

This tat is from
F.O.A.M.er Juan Lanza, who helpfully provided the reference shot used for his tribute to the Sea King. The tattoo artist did a really nice job--it looks virtually identical (aside from the flip) to the original art by Kirk Jarvinen. Thanks Juan!

We also have some additional stuff from F.O.A.M.er Ray DeForest, whose tattoo we showed off on the Shrine's first Tattoo Tuesday. Here is the original comic book panel Ray used as reference (by Phil Jimenez), as well his line drawing and color version of it he gave to the tattoo artist:
Ray adds, "Yes, its the most painful thing I ever did." Such dedication!

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Tattoo Tuesday - Mera

It's Tattoo Tuesday here at the Aquaman Shrine!

This photo, posted on a site called Obvious Winner, was sent to me by F.O.A.M.er Barry Fackler. Barry was kinda speechless in his email, and I am too. The scope of this thing is simply startling, and I can't imagine how long it must have taken to get this thing done.

If you look closely, you can see a portion of Mera on the upper right; I can only assume Aquaman is somewhere on this guy's body, too--after all, there's still lots of real estate left.

Thanks Barry!

Tattoo Tuesday - Aquaman

It's Tattoo Tuesday here at the Aquaman Shrine!

No, that doesn't mean I will be getting a tattoo--the closest I'll ever come to that is listening to the Stones' Tattoo You album. It means the Shrine will be showing up two different Aquaman-themed tats sent in by some real die-hard Aqua-Fans.

The first one for today is this iconic shot of Aquaman, sent in by F.O.A.M.er Ray DeForest. Ray didn't say whether this was his back we see here or not, I can only assume that it is. I would imagine this starts a lot of conversations when walking around on the beach. Thanks Ray!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Aquaman Tattoo

You know someone is a big Aquaman fan when they have him drawn into their skin, as our newest F.O.A.M. member, George Kane, did back almost twenty years ago!

Based on the pose seen on this classic Adventure Comics cover by Jim Aparo, George had this to say about getting the tattoo: "
The same guy who gave me this tattoo put a similar one in black and white on a girls upper hip. And I thought I was being so original!" (Wow, a woman with an Aquaman tattoo on her upper hip? Be still my beating heart!)

In any case, its really cool and definitely lets everyone know you are a serious Aquaman fan. Thanks for sharing George, and welcome to F.O.A.M.!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

AquaFamily Tattoo

This amazing tattoo--of the whole AquaFamily--is currently residing on the epidermis of Rev. OJ Flow (he of Newsarama)! The Rev. sent me this pic over the weekend, making him our newest member of F.O.A.M.!

Here's what OJ had to say about it:

"This has been a work in progress since February, but I had to wait until the work was done yesterday. This took 4 sessions (altogether probably 9-10 hours), the tattoo was done by Patrick Cornolo of Speakeasy Custom Tattoos here in Chicago.

I think you can pretty much sort out the lineup. The piece takes up my upper right leg, from just over the knee to the hip on the outer side."

...now that's dedication to the King of the Seven Seas! Rev OJ, welcome to F.O.A.M.!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Aquaman Tattoo

Another example of someone liking Aquaman so much they want him imprinted on their flesh, this tattoo photo was sent to me by our newest F.O.A.M. member Patrick Hartley.

I never had any idea what went into tattoos, exactly, until I asked a friend who has a few of them explain it to me. Now that I know, seeing something like this--and understanding the sheer amount of time, effort, and money it takes to see it through--makes me appreciate how much you've gotta like Aquaman to get something like this.

Nice tattoo, Patrick, and thanks!

The kid-friendly version of Aquaman (the only one alive at the moment) gets a lot of play in comics this week, as he gets a full Fact File page to himself in DC Super Friends #6:
...I'm relieved to see that the origin listed for Arthur is the classic one--lonely lighthouse keeper, mysterious woman from Atlantis, etc. Plus a fish puzzle!

Plus, Aquaman (and his fellow JLAers) make a sort of Peanuts-esque appearance in Tiny Titans #7, courtesy the brilliant team of Art Baltazar and Franco:

...where's our Tiny Titans plush line?? Get on it, Mattel!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Aquaman Tattoo - 2007

sgIt would hard to be a bigger fan of Aquaman than to get his image imprinted on your skin, but that's exactly what newest F.O.A.M. member Wil Whalen went ahead and did when he got his long-promised Aquaman tattoo just a few weeks ago!

As you can see, it looks quite spiffy and Aquaman looks suitably regal and imposing. Nice job, Will, and wear it with pride!

Today is Veteran's Day(actually yesterday was, today is the public observance), so I thought since Wil is a Desert Storm vet, today was the perfect day to post this. Thanks Wil!

Discussion Question: What takes more bravery, to be a soldier or to admit you're an Aquaman fan? Show your work.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Topps Tattoo Book - 1960s

sgI don't remember getting this (must have been ebay), and it didn't come with anything other than the outer label and one tattoo on the back (Batman). But obviously I bought it for the cover--Ramona Fradon, I think?

I'd like an Aquaman tattoo...