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Tuesday, November 05, 2013

2013 Halloween Round-Up

Halloween always brings out the Aqua-Love...

Thanks to Luke Daab (1/2), Jeff, Conor, and Rick Petersen (3/4), Dennis Doucette (5), Christine Jackson (6), Kendra Paige (7), Jason Boyte (photographer, 8), Jeff Parker (photographer, 9) and Charlie Milana (photographer, 10) for all the awesome pics!

We also welcome Jeff, Conor, and Rick Petersen, Christine Jackson, Kendra Paige, Jason Boyte, and Charlie Milana to the hallowed halls of F.O.A.M.!


Earth 2 Chris said...

Okay, these are all awesome, but the Aqualad with Tusky is just adorable.

Is that Luke Daab, or Benjamin Cumberbatch?!?


Unknown said...

Very cool! I tried requesting folks on twitter and Facebook send me Blue Beetle Halloween costume pics...but sadly there was no love for the bug this year.

Joseph Brian Scott said...

I thought these were all fabulous, but particular props to Aqualad and Tusky!

So, I guess exactly what Earth 2 Crhis said.

Anonymous said...

Once again proof that cosplay/Halloween should be left to hot chicks and cute kids. Dudes with weird chest tatts...not so much.