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Showing posts with the label Simple Life Pattern Co

Made by a Fabricista: A Chambray Linen Easter

Howdy ladies and gentlemen! It's been quite the couple of months since we last met up... In those months I made these Easter clothes for my kiddos, which I'm excited to share with you belatedly! I used Fabric Mart's awesome Exclusive Chambray Linen for these.  It's my first time using it, and I'm super impressed!  The fabric definitely has some of the famous linen wrinkle, but since it's blended with cotton it's a bit mitigated.  I also used their thread matching service for the first time (I think; if not the first time it's been a long while!) and the matches were pretty spot on. For Peaches's dress I used the Grape for the main fabric, and the Mint was the main for Cheeks's awesome button down.  I used the Carolina Blue as accents on both (plus bits of Grape for Cheeks and Mint for Peaches so all three fabrics were represented in each garment).  I love the blend of color!  They aren't available on the site right now but I...