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Showing posts with the label Husband

Father's Day Survey Answers

The survey has ended and the results are in!   [Blogger Julie's super supportive husband wearing a dress shirt that Julie made for him.] Visit the post she wrote about making this shirt: here!    1. Does your husband/father/partner take any interest in or support your sewing/quilting/needlework? He's my biggest fan! 2. Do you keep your fabric purchases a secret? I flaunt them with overwhelming excitement! 3. Does your husband/father/partner wear or use items that you have made him? Does he ask you to make him anything? He'll wear anything I make him as long as it fits. 4. What do you like to make your husband/father/partner? Pajamas and robes 5. How does he get involved? Gives his opinion on projects, fabric selections, and patterns and helps you set up a sewing room 6. If he doesn't get involved, how does he support you? Brags about your work to friends and family   So many supportive men!  Did you know you were so lucky?!   ...

Father's Day Survey

We want to hear about your favorite man and how he supports your favorite hobby, sewing! Take a few minutes to fill out our quick survey about your husband, father, boyfriend, partner, friend, etc.   We will post the top answers on Father's day to honor our men!   Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Inspiration: Father's Day Gifts

 Father's Day is coming and we have to be ready for it. Not only with breakfast in bed, day plans, but also a gift. My 10 year old daughter is making a lot of preparations for that day including a handmade card, breakfast, washing his car, pampering him, and obviously asking me over and over, “what are we buying the guys (Dad and Grandpa)?” The question is: What can we give my husband and my father that shows them how important and loved they are? The fact is that there is not the magical gift for all Dads, since all of them are different. To begin my search for the perfect gift I asked myself a couple of questions just to make it easier for me to pick the right gifts and save some time. What my your budget?   What is your dad’s favorite activity? Does he have a hobby? Vintage belt buckle What is his job?      What is his participation at home? Does he enjoy cooking or grilling for us? ...