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Showing posts with the label Classic T-Shirt Dress

A Quick Review of Three Pamela's Patterns - Skirt, T-shirt and Dress

The past few months have not been filled with very much notable garment sewing, but before becoming pregnant I was sewing like crazy! Just after becoming pregnant I took photos of a lot of the things I made in the winter so that I could share them with you before I couldn't fit into them for awhile! I love Pamela's Patterns and the simple patterns she creates. They may be simple but they have so many possibilities. I am fortunate to live close to Steve's Sewing and Vacuum in King of Prussia, PA, where she teaches periodically. Many of her classes focus on using her patterns but modifying them with design details.  I made three different garments using Pamela's patterns and thought it would be fun to share them with you! 1) Pamela's Patterns Magic Pencil Skirt I shared this skirt on Instagram with you all during the Skirt Challenge back in May. The Magic Pencil Skirt pattern is super easy and looks great! It has an elastic waistband so you have to use a str...