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Showing posts with the label Cotton Denim

Made By A Fabricista: First Fall Sew

First Fall Sew – A great beginner jacket pattern Happy September to my sewing friends! So are you Team Fall or Team Summer? Do you count the moments until that first crisp Fall day or do you mourn the end of the warm summer nights? I’m definitely the former – especially because I work remotely most of the time and by August I’m ready for the kids to be gone from the house. Ok, maybe even by July! And while we are on the topic of two teams, let me share the internal dialogue that went on last month between Practical Andrea and Creative Andrea. It went something like this…. Practical A – “OK, we need to get a jump on our September blog sew. August is gonna be insane with work, back to school, and still unpacking this house. Let’s plan ahead, check out the newest fabrics, and get started.” Creative A – “Yes, yes, yes! I LOVE choosing fabric! Let’s do it!” P.A – “OK, here we go. Let’s check out the knits, maybe choose something for a basic dress we can plan as a transitional piece from ...

Made By A Fabricista: Cargo Style Jeans!

Happy Friday All! I am excited to be back blogging and sharing my makes! It has been a while since I photographed a make. In 2024, I  plan to be more consistent in sharing tips and photos of my makes via social media and my personal blog.  The later part of 2023 took me for a rough roller coaster ride.  Due to some health challenges in November and several visits to the doctor, I decided to focus more on my physical and mental health and sewing fell by the wayside.  I am better, stronger and mentally ready to tackle 2024 in full force. I have had this KNOW ME (ME2054) pattern in my stash since it was released and wanted to make it for my last blogpost of 2023.  I had the pants cut and ready to sew back in November but didn’t get started until the 2nd day of January.  I was determine to get it done as my first project of 2024 and would not move from the machine until progress was made.  I actually wanted to make it with all the pockets exactly like the ...

Made by a Fabricista: December Denim

Hi Guys! I've been so obsessed with denim this season that I couldn’t help but feature this denim two piece look created from Fabric Mart denim collection as my December Fabricista Feature. Denim is one of those year round fabrics that provide versatility, comfort and style. It never goes out of season and just about everything looks good in denim! This particular fabric is a heavier denim that holds structure and shape very well. With this fabric I drafted and used my newest pattern that will be releasing soon the Alba Skirt pattern and the Ava Cropped Jacket!   Seeing as this denim is great for structure and shape I thought it would pair great with the pleated detail these two patterns feature. Although these two patterns can be created in a medium to lighter weighted woven denim or twill fabric, I love the structure that the heavier weight pulls off.  I used Mettler threads denim doc with this heavier weight denim because it is strong and sturdy. Its also great to use ...

Made By A Fabricista: End of Summer

Summer is nearing to an end but here where I am in Texas the heat isn’t letting up any time soon!  I still have plenty of time to get a few more summer looks out of the way.  In this blog I will be sharing two separate projects. The first project is this denim set; I had the inspiration saved on my list of makes to make.  For this project I got this gorgeous denim and matching thread to start my project. Yes, Fabric Mart will match the thread to your fabric perfectly and with my favorite thread brand Gutermann.  The denim had a very great weight and wasn’t too stiff.  It was very starchy when it arrived, so I did a prewash before working with it.  I’m so glad I did because it had a lot of dye saturated in which would not have been great for the skin and other clothes. For the first part of the set, I drafted a corset with the scallop edge cups, such a cute detail!   To start I used my bodice sloper to make the corset, I was not worried about...

Made By A Fabricista: Classic Denim Jacket for Fall

I am definitely a summer and warm weather person – the hotter the better, in my book! This week is the first week in Colorado we’ve had some consistent fall temperatures in the 60’s and 70’s, so it’s unfortunately time to start putting away the shorts & sundresses and move into transitional fall layers.  I always grab some kind of jacket/layer when I leave the house and lately I’ve been wanting a dark denim jacket, but I only have a light wash denim or black, no in between. So, off to Fabric Mart I went and I started digging in my pattern stash!  I ended up picking up this gorgeous dark blue stretch denim on sale at Fabric Mart and found this McCall 7729 pattern that was perfect!  This pattern was SO easy to make! The pattern says average difficulty level, but I definitely think you could be a confident beginner and make this look great. The topstitching really adds a great polished finish. The pattern calls for buttons and buttonholes, but I used these bright gold s...