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Showing posts with the label Allegra jacket

Made by a Fabricista: Black, White, Gray and Boring?

My go to colors for winter--black, white, and gray...boring?     It doesn't have to be!   Even though they could be considered boring by some, consider the pattern on the fabric and the design silhouette before giving your opinion please!   With the right shape for the fabric and the right execution, black, white and gray can be somewhat exciting if not loads of fun!  That 'spot' that appears to be on the fabric is really not there, that is from my camera.  I do love how my top-stitching looks on the seams.  I like to use a triple-stitch or a stretch-stitch for most of my top-stitching.  I love how it emphasizes that part of the design. I choose a sweater knit in black and white that is so soft, so luscious, and so wonderful to work with! I want a pair of pajamas made from this fabric, it is that wonderful on your skin!   The gray is a crepe with a wonderful texture that you expect from a crepe.  ...