The idea for this jacket has been buzzing in my head for some time and I just knew it had to become a reality before all the southern "cold" weather went away. The pattern is Butterick 6260 which is a Lisette pattern and I am a huge fan of these patterns. I have had great success with several Lisette patterns and I find the designs modern, well thought out and they consistently yield great versatile pieces in my wardrobe. When my chosen fabric arrived from Fabric Mart I was so pleased with the texture, colors and hand of the wool suiting. I chose a Wool/Nylon blend flannel suiting of which there were two colorways but it now looks like one of the colorways recently sold out. Maybe you were one of those lucky people to snatch some of it up. When working out my fabric choices for a jacket like this I like to try out my ideas on me-made coloring pages. For coloring pages, I grabbed the image of the jacket from the Butterick webs...