By Clara Chooi UPDATED
KUALA LUMPUR, March 4 — Kulim-Bandar Bharu MP Zulkifli Noordin (picture) staged a walkout from his hearing before the PKR’s disciplinary board this afternoon after it refused his demand for an all-Muslim panel.
“I was told by them that they do not have any jurisdiction to change the members in the panel as the decision would be up to the party’s supreme council. When I told them that I had no choice but to walk out, they said they would respect my decision,” he told a press conference after attending the hearing.
The maverick politician said that for now, he had no plans to leave the party and would continue to defend himself. He said that he would wait until his demands are met or until his patience is exhausted. “Lets see how much patience I have. For now however, as of this time, I have no intention to leave,” he said.
Zulkifli said that following today’s fruitless hearing, he would be sending a request to party secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution for the present panel to be dissolved and be replaced by another all-Muslim one. “They would have to make their decision by Tuesday, as my case is supposed to be settled by then,” he said.
Zulkifli is facing the party’s disciplinary panel for two matters — for lodging a police report against Shah Alam PAS MP Khalid Samad over the controversial “Allah” issue and for his open criticisms levelled against the DAP’s Lim Guan Eng.
Zulkifli had sent letters comprising eight requests to the board for the hearing, including his demand for an all-Muslim panel to hear the “Allah” issue, on Feb 16, 25 and 27. “When I appeared before the board on Monday however, I was shocked to see that I was to be tried on an Islamic issue by two Christian activists, one Hindu and only one Muslim.
“I mean no disrespect to the members of the board but I refuse to recognise them for it is inappropriate for them to be passing judgement on a religion that they themselves do not understand.
“On this issue, I will not compromise. Who better to judge me then another fellow Muslim? If I were to be punished by another Muslim for my involvement in this matter, I can accept it.
“Justice requires for one to be tried by one’s own peers. Justice must not only be done, it must also be seen to be done,” he said.
He added that if the board proceeded with the hearing without conceding to his demands, it only meant that the PKR had no respect for the Muslim religion.
The non-Muslim panel members were Goh Keat Peng, Chew Swee Yoke and T. Kumar while the sole Muslim member is Syed Kamarulzaman. The disappointed-looking Zulkifli added that he had also informed the board that it could proceed with investigations on the DAP issue but it had refused his request.
“I would prefer for the matters to be tried separately but they insist on conducting the ‘Allah’ investigation first. I refuse to give them my acknowledgement,” he said.
Zulkifli said that he believed the refusal to change the members in the panel was the work of “little Pharaohs” in the party who were out to remove him. “The supreme council itself is controlled by these little Pharaohs who are determined to remove me and to do anything at all costs,” he said.
Zulkifli refused to name these “little Pharaohs” but noted that they were voices of influence within the party leadership. “They have an evil agenda and are narrow-minded towards the beliefs of Islam,” he said.
Despite his disappointment with the party leadership however, it remains apparent that Zulkifli has no intention to leave the party and join former members Datuk Seri Zahrain Hashim, Tan Tee Beng and Mohsin Fadzli Samsuri.
He said that the fact that he was sending a request to the party’s secretary-general to change the members in the panel showed that he still had hope in the party’s leadership.
“It shows I still have faith in them and I am giving them an opportunity to change this,” he said.
Zulkifli added that he, like party de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim in the latter’s Sodomy II trial, only wanted justice to be served.
On why he had not been one of the signatories in the loyalty pledge made by 12 MPs yesterday, Zulkifli said he had not been invited to sign the pledge. “No one sought me out,” he said.
Asked if he would sign a similar pledge, expected to be released by the party tomorrow, Zulkifli said that he would decide once he is approached.
Salam...anda sebenarnya tidak buta tapi silap apabila membuat penilaian terhadap seseorang,2 soalan.
1. Adakah hukum hakam boleh berubah berdasarkan peredaran zaman?
2. Bagaimana kalau ada seseorang yang berkepentingan ingin menaja anda melakukan ibadat haji di Mekah?
Soalan seterusnya bergantung kepada jawapan anda YB.
salah satu laman web yang banyak mengutuk yb. tengok ajer la komen pembaca2 langsung x faham tentang islam. bukan setakat isu kalimah Allah, isu penternakan babi, isu arak, isu perlembagaan sumer diorang reject kalau menguntungkan umat Islam. jadi x heranlah kalau yb kena kutuk kow2 dalam malaysian insider dan malaysiakini. memang layak la dicap "didokong" oleh firaun2 kecil.
Memang patut pun YB walked out. Panel bukan Islam? They must be kidding.
Salam YB...errr..minta maaf, saudara tak layak digelar YB, baik lepaskan jawatan itu sebab YB pun dapat undi non Muslim...kalau tak nak mengadap jawatankuasa displin sebab ada non muslim, baik YB pergi negara atau negeri yang hanya ada orang Islam saja. (Inilah akibatnya bila orang dah dapat title, dah ada jawatan YB, tak nak kerjasama, baik tak payah masuk politik...YB duduk kat hutan saja lah... takde menyusahkan pengundi macam kami yg balik kampung untuk undi YB atas kapasiti PKR, bukan Zulkifli Nordin.
Brother Zul,
I often wonder, what would you be doing if you had joined PAS, whose official stand on the Allah issue run contrary to yours.
Then, it occured to me that if I am agnostic,would it be proper for me to be judged by agnostic judges if I am being tried for peddling drugs.
As much as I agree that the word Allah, by moral, cannot be use by non muslims, but your arrogant approach does not , at all, how a good Muslim should behave.
yb zul.. harap yb zul xkuar parti dan byk bersabar.. mungkin firaun2 kecil yg yb sebut 2 bukan dari kalangan islam dan mereka mahu monopoli dlm pimpinan atasan. betul ke?? kalo betul begitu yb mesti terus fight. saya yakin dsai tidak mahu bersuara sebab dia juga sygkn yb. dsai nak menyebelahi yb tp dapat bantahan firaun2 ni. yb mesti terus berada dalam pkr supaya yb sendiri dapat singkirkn firaun ini. adakan egm dan kita singkirkan mereka. sbb mcm mane pun majmuk atau pelbagai bangsa pun dalam satu kem pasti kaum akan sokong kaum. islam akan sokong islam. yb zul, saya nak tgk yb zul jd naib atau timb presiden pkr. buktikan yb boleh.
salam saudara ku YB Zulkifli ...
saya cuma ingin meluahkan perasaan saya yang semakin dlm delima ...
Jahilliah Dlm Ketamadunan Negaraku
Dengan kejituan hakiki
Dengan kalimah tauhid mengakui keagungan Yang Maha Esa
Keikhlasan , berakhlak mulia menjadi paksinya
Bertakwa pada Yang Maha Esa , akulah hambamu
Kitab Kalamullah panduan hidup di alam sejagat
Nabi Muhammad S.A.W pangasuh kerohanian hati yang suci abadi
Telah meragut kejahilan kafir Quraisy
Allahuakhbar , Allahuakhbar , Allahuakhbar
Allah Maha Besar , Maha Suci Allah , Segala Puji-pujian bagimu Ya Allah
Panji-panji Islam berdiri megah seharum kasturi
Keislaman yang sebenar-benarnya Islam anutan umat yang hakiki
Ketamadunan Islam tersebar megah bersama takwa dan kesucian hati nurani
Kini ....
Jahilliah dalam ketamadunan negaraku
Lihat di sini ....
Kalimah Tauhid hanya di bibir bukan pembersih hati yang suci
tiada lagi keikhlasan hanya kurapsi dunia ganjaran diminta
Al-Quran bagai hiasan bukan panduan kebenaran
Sabda-sabda Nabi-nabi , rasul-rasul hilang dalam ingatan
Mari lihat di situ.....
Wajah Manusia bertopengkan syaitan
Wajah iblis bertopengkan manusia
amat sukar ditentukan
rakus jijik hilang segala akhlak dan adab
membunuh tak kira siapa , nyawa bagaikan mainan usang
arak zina dalam keperibadian
anak tanpa bapa yang sah dibunuh , dibuang bagaikan tiada jiwa
Mari lihat di sana ...
Bicara-bicara songsang membelakangkan akidah
mencerca , bermaki hamun jadi ramuan bicara
memfitnah , umpatan ramuan menakluk kuasa
dusta , nista menafikan kebenaran berbicara
menghalalkan apa jua cara asalkan terus berkuasa
beraja di mata bersultan di hati
Kejahilliahan dalam ketamadunan negaraku
Negaraku tercinta
teruskan perjuangan YB untuk agama , bangsa dan negara .
You are a total disgrace to a multinational country. You talk about defending Islam? Why does yr God need defending by a mere human like you? Besides you take on the role of the Sultans whose constitutional role is the role that u claim to do. Then you walk into a disciplinary session and demand the the people who judge you be Muslims. Talk about loading the dice in your favour.I agree with the rest of the people here, You should also exclude all the non muslims who voted for you from the loll count because you obviously only defend Muslims.
to seet..
why should u argued the yb zul's refusal to be judge by the non-muslim? Why those people like you that r not muslim always trying to interrupt the way we manage our belief? is there any condition that u can stated here if any muslim in malaysia teach you how to do or what to do in your belief?..
we never talk about other religions because we don't know how it is.. so don't you ever try to teach us..
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