pretty sore

I did a lot of Spring Cleaning on Saturday. I had forgotten how rough cleaning is on the body--and getting older (and fatter) doesn't help in the least. *whew* I was doing a lot of de-cluttering as well as plenty of mopping and vacuuming with cleaning two of my bathrooms to cap it all off. This place was a disgrace! And there's still so much to be done--but at least it's started.

While the house is still quite cluttered, it's a great deal better than it was last week. My body is frickin' pissed off though. My hamstrings are just yelling themselves hoarse in little jabs of pain every time I stand up or bend over. It's quite sad that a little bending over to pick things up or scrub out a tub could make me this uncomfortable. How do people that do this every day--as in tidy folk that don't live in the midst of clutter and dust like I do--cope with the strain on their muscles? And the allergy attacks that all that disturbed dust creates? Oy!

I rewarded myself on Sunday with a trip to Waffle House and their hash browns and then off to Sarah Duke Gardens to enjoy the beauty of the flowers there. Unfortunately the blooms were dimmed a bit from our long drought but it was still very pretty there. And the prettiest flower of all was in the car with me.

Green eyes are just amazing.


kenju said…
Oh, ho, ho! does this mean the date was a success? I hope so.
Mike said…
I agree that as I get older it seems to take less to make me sore.

Here from Michele's
Bernie said…
Suggestion for the sore muscles...
Hot bath/shower, followed by a massage, and then a nice walk in the garden...
Here from MIchele's today...
Anonymous said…
She is pretty...good for you! Sorry about your housecleaning soreness but sometimes you just gotta do it!
Anonymous said… very, very pretty. When you are done cleaning your house..will you come work on mine?
SassyAssy said…
Is she that chipolte girl? One might say she has enchanting eyes....
utenzi said…
Yes, Sassy, one might say that. And I think you just did.
scrappintwinmom said…
I'm a big fan of FlyLady...I love the idea that you can do a lot in 15 minutes, so set your timer and go for it.
Why doesn't Waffle House serve pancakes? IHOP serves waffles.

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