Anyone out there that loves to eat breakfast should pick up the current (October '08) issue of Saveur . It's a special issue dedicated from cover to cover to the joys of breakfast food from around the world. You know the famous line out of Jerry Maguire where Renée Zellweger says "You had me at hello"? Well this issue of Saveur had me at page 44. That's the first page of an article on Southeastern USA that focuses on Waffle House. Hello! And their wonderful hashbrowns. Them's good eats. I've never been a fan of Eggs Benedict but the full page picture on page 33 is quite seductive. It almost makes me willing to make some right now. Too bad I don't have any Canadian bacon on hand. Of course I do have ham and that might do in a pinch... I'm almost finished reading Bart Ehrman's recent book God's Problem . I really enjoyed his previous book Misquoting Jesus and this book is even better in some ways. In case you're curious what the problem...