hallucinations and fever
I'm still sick. This is the third day that this sore throat has been bothering me. Yesterday I called in sick and just went in for an hour to do some tissue culture work that had to be done. Cells that you're growing could care less about your health--if you don't take care of them, they just overgrow their containers then crash and burn. Today I called in sick and plan to just stay home all day. One of the symptoms of this is fever. It's not a real high fever but for some reason I hallucinate mildly even with low fevers. This has been true for as long as I remember. The "visions" are very characteristic also. They almost always take the form of inanimate objects becoming animated. Most typically mailboxes and telephone poles becoming animals and moving--usually taking the form of deer. As long as you're open to the experience it's charming, however I'm glad this fever-stuff doesn't happen too often because you have to keep on your toes when m...