New Blogger
I doubt many people will see this since everyone that regularly looks at this blog has the address Utenzi2 bookmarked, but this is the post-transition Utenzi. Wheee. Yesterday Blogger finally forced the issue and made me move over to their new version. A little dose of Fascism to brighten our day. And to continue the tradition we've established--Blogger and I--they screwed me again. Now the Dashboard interface won't let me publish to Utenzi2 just like, many months ago when I moved over to Beta Blogger, they wouldn't let me publish to Utenzi. It's difficult to keep an audience when every 6 months or so Blogger forces one to change their web address. Assholes. Hopefully they'll allow me to publish again to what reluctantly became my regular address at Utenzi2--I've got a help request in to that effect--but if not, I'll have to send out requests for everyone that reads my blog to change their blogroll address for me. And of course the indexing organizations li...